Awww, Laura, thanks for your concern. :hug1 Wise words.
Yes, the long-term homeless are usually homeless for areason. I did a great deal of research into George, includingchecking with the shelters, the neighbourhood advocates, the clerks atthe stores he sleeps in front of,and thelocalpolice, before inviting him over.
George doesn't drink ordo drugs (a rarity), his only historyof violence has been verbal abuse. (He's been known to bequite a ranter, he has 'episodes'). They all believe him tobe pretty honest. He's definitely not a con artist -he'snot a very good liar. He likes to play thesystem, though. I'mcorrecting my original storyafter studying him further -- he certainly has no qualms about takingcharity!If he intially refusedoffers of freeanything, it was tocreate a good impression for the future.
He told me a story about landing his first job when he wasakid, and over the course of the tale, he mentioned inpassing that he had showed up late the first day and soon found it tooboring and quit.Ergo George being 'down on hisluck'. Industrious is definitely not the word forGeorge. The only thing that movtivateshimare the bunnies -- he's very attentive there.But he can't be bothered to get out thebread to makeasandwich, muchless the mustard-- he justeats the meat.
I've seen no hint of the delusions, I suspect he has episodes andreacts with 'stories' when he feels he's been looked down on.And I haven't seen much evidence of it, but he is paranoidalthough I'm sure living on the street will do that to you.
He gets enough welfare for a skid row hotelroom (he won'tadmit to mental issues to get a disability increase), but he won'tassociate with
that neighbourhood or
those people, he'drather sleep on the street. He rants about the system beingunfair to the poor -- he can get free meals, but he has to travel 20blocks. I think he thinks they shoulddeliver.
He definitely thinks the worldowes hima living,he's 'earned' it by living on thestreet all this time. :huh
Anyway, thanks for the reminder!
sas and the gang :bunnydance::elephant: