Pipp's Molar Spurs

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Right on que... Vet drop off is 8 to 9 AM, dressed and ready go, she'smunching away on pellets, grated carrotand kale -- just likeFriday. :X

But this time, I stuck her in the carrier anyway. Igave her an ungrated carrot and told her we were heading outto the vet's, butif she ate itbefore we got there, we'd turn around and comehome. I kept remindingherevery few blocks, but she didn't eat it, so...


Mentioned that the spur may have broken off, but doubt they care. They'd have to put her under to check, so doesn't make a lot of difference.

That rabbit!! :grumpy:

Hope it's not for nothin'. I hate seeing her putunder and her widdle mouth cranked open, she feelsso yucky and sore... and I know she'll be fine, but I'm still a wreck...

sas :nerves1
You mean we are still waiting for her?:faint: It's 1:30 here! I just actually worked on my livingroom waiting to hear.........
Me too! I hate waiting to hear they are ok.

I keep wondering about a couple of others on here too!
I just picked her up (and I'm typing with one hand, she's lying on my arm).

Poor baby had a couple of spurs and a tongue laceration. She was shaking likea leaf when I got her -- I guess they don't give them warm socks or heating pads post-surgery, although they should, bunnies get very cold coming out of the anesthetic. When they handed me the carrier, and especially when I had to go outside and wait for a bus, she was shaking so badI could feel it through thecarrier. I had to take her out and put her in my jacket.

She's on my lap and under the blankets right now.

Not a happy bunny but happier than she was. :(

Poor Pipp. :(

sas :(

Oh poor baby!

Im so glad shes ok. Good thinking taking her in today even though she had started nibbling on her food a little. I imagine her tongue was hurting pretty bad.

Sending lots of warm thoughts to our little girl. Get well soon little Princess :hug:
I'm so glad she's home! Give her a snuggle for sure! Do you have a heated blanket? Bo loves to lay under the heated throw (on low or medium) with Lexi. Or even microwave a towel or put it in the dryer?

Keep us posted on her recovery! I am SO happy it's over and she's going to feel better soon!
I hope this morning she's eating her carrots and kale and pellets and hay and whatever wood around the house she can find...... oh wait - that's MY bunnies chewing the woodwork.... Pipp would never do such a thing!

Pipp is bouncing right back but Dill is sick.

Up all night giving him tummy rubs, simethicone, etc..He looks awful -- shaking, peeing on himself.

Was hoping it was a gas attack, tho not a lot of gut sounds until after I gave him a little banana and water. Thought he was getting better, but just checked, stillsick -- vet can't get himuntil4 PM, have anappointment.

Can't tell if he's pooping, definitely in pain, not eating...

I've only slept for a couple hours, will try for another hour or two.

sas :tears2:
Aww...hugs for you :hug:and pets for Dill :pet:. Poor guy.

Glad to hear Pipp is doing better. Hopefully everyone will be better soon. Good luck at the vets today.

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