If Sunshine goes, then I know he has had a fantastic life so I won't feel sad for him, but I'm really upset for Sweep. I hust went out there to say goodbye toSunshine, (I won't see him tomorrow)and they were lying together and Sweep had his chin rested on Sunshine. It's always been Sunshine and Sweep, but never one without the other. Not bad for two 8 year old unneutered men. Poor, poor lonely Sweep. He's not sociable (although isn't scared of it, he just prefers Sunshine) so it's not even like I can help, I just stress him out. Do you reckon a cuddly toy might help?
This is what Sunshine looks like today, you can see the swollenness on his left side (our right as you look at it). Poor man. but he's still sparky, still eating, drinking and lively and feisty, at least he's not suffering too much. We gave them some banana and basil todya for the first time and the timothy hay so he's going out with a bang

(I know it's still a possibility he can live, but I don't believe that he will, I need to know I have done everything I can to make things nice for him).
Lightning's bits are looking FAR better today, almost normal

. Although Dusk did steal half the baytril from Lightning's mouth today :Xbut Lightning doesn't look like he needs it at all, it looks shiny and new :biggrin2:His chin is all healed too, just got to keep with the metacam, panacur and baytril, lol. great. And as for the pinworms, I haven't seen any on him, dead or alive, for two days now. Don't know what that means though.