P.P.S. Hold on just a sec,Carolyn. I'm seeing what I can come up with in the way of aHow-To post.
Didn't I understand that you are a moderator here? If that'strue, if you could pin the post to the top of the forum, then everybodycould find it easily.
Go to the post entitled "How to Create An Avatar". HopefullyM&SMom,Pam, and MyBunnyLovesMewill check itout too to ensure that I didn't miss any steps.
Bumping now that Pamnock is back.. wanted to askif you have any idea what kind of bunnies these might be (other thanStray LOL). Being new to bunnyland I got a lot to learn and all themany different breeds are amazing! Never knew there were so manydifferent kinds of bunnies!