Pictures of my bunnies!

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Here's my favorite pic of Cali:


I can't believe someone dumped him either.. hewas very dehydrated and out of conditon when he came in, and only about12-13 pounds. :\

I love that picture! Oh, man, the Flemmie flop. Whocan resist it? Moose sometimes gets so.. enthusiastic aboutit he shakes the whole apartment when he thuds over.

I used to constantly go and poke him to see if he was still alive,hahahah! I've relaxed after awhile, but man, it was creepysometimes. :)
Carolyn wrote:
*laughs at Blackthorn* I hear that about gettingrid of your boyfriend before Moose.

Moose is gorgeous. Can't believe someone dumped him off. :X

Cali is a Flemish as well. She's such a gentle giant, as theysay. It always cracks me up how they just don't seem tocomprehend that they're not 2 lbs. She's scared to death ofmy Polish named Tucker. He's practically the size of Cali'spoops in a pile, but he thinks he can 'take' her. Calidoesn't realize that she would pummel him with one swing of a paw.

I do love the way they sleep. It's adorable. Haveto admit though, sometimes I still have to wake her up because shelooks like she's dead. Little wakes her up when she crashes.


It seems weird your Cali would be scared to death of yourTucker.I would think it would be Tucker scared to death of Cali,sinceshe's so much bigger then him.But,both Cali & Tucker areloveable.
Blackthorn45 wrote:
I love that picture! Oh, man, the Flemmieflop. Who can resist it? Moose sometimes gets so..enthusiastic about it he shakes the whole apartment when he thuds over.

I used to constantly go and poke him to see if he was still alive,hahahah! I've relaxed after awhile, but man, it was creepysometimes. :)
Sampson makes a huge thud when he does the flemmie flop, I can'timagine how loud it will be when he's full grown. I've wokenhim up more times then I can count to make sure he's stillalive!


Here are new picture of Pepper that was taken today on our kitchen floor.
Can somebody help me and tell me how to put morethan one picture on one post instead of me posting 2 timesfor 2 pictures?
Pepper wrote:
Cansomebody help me and tell me how to put more than one picture onone post instead of me posting 2 times for 2 pictures?
Just click and copy your picture and paste it on the thread. Repeat for each picture.

Rainbows! :)
Aww, both buns are such a beauty. I love Moose's big nose in this picture:


So so cute rabbits. Can you give them a hug for me? They look like such
little angels. Take care!

~ Katy

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