I love blacks (obviously) - they're easier tokeep clean and you can spot them easily when they're hiding (unlessthey're outside at night time).
Asking for photos of flemish - particularly Tiny isdangerous. It's like asking a new grandfather if they haveany pictures of the grandbaby.....out comes the wallet with 25 picturesof the baby on the same day...within the same hour.....with probablythe same pose or close to it.
In this case - I have Tiny's photos in different poses.
All pictures are clickable for close-ups....the newest picture is at the top and the oldest is at the bottom...
He's now 7 months old and definitely more than 12 pounds - I'm thinkingcloser to 15 but haven't weighed him recently. He has hit theteenage phase and we're trying to work through some things - like thefact he wants to "Play" with all the adult lionhead does (even thoughhe's neutered) - and he wants to beat the tar out of any intact male -even his former best friends.
He loves to lay under the table - he's wiped out after spending timewatching the young 'uns in our herd. He literally lays in thebunny room when they're out to play and lets them groom him and climbon him. He seems happiest when they are out playing and he'sbeing "abused"..
I was shocked when he was willing to share his food with Oberon thesame day that he met Oberon. But then again - that's Tiny.
I moved the recliner into the rabbitry while the does were expectingtheir babies...I would sleep in there at night in therecliner. Well - Tiny had his own thoughts over who should beenjoying the recliner. I am seriously consideringgetting him a little chair of his own - even if it doesn'trecline. I bought him a mushroom one since he likes mydaughter's - but he doesn't care for it much....it might be too smallfor him I think...
There are times when even the "Bunfather" needs to escape from theyoung uns - so Tiny goes to Ginger's cage. They werepractically bond mates till he decided to "play house"...once she gotready to mate. Once she is neutered - I think we'll try torebond them since they've been together for a couple of months aspractically bondmates!
Tiny really does take his "Bunfathering" responsibilities prettyseriously...as you can see from this photo. He did eventuallydecide he could leave them in their pen and go play on his own...
Tiny was trying to nuzzle with GingerSpice here - when her brotherSugarBear kept trying to butt in and was jealous. So...Tinydecided to use him as a pillow. SugarBear continued to sleep there...
Once again - Tiny with GingerSpice & SugarBear.
When we first started setting up the bunnyroom - there was a place tosit on top of the cages. Puck wanted to see if he could getup there with Tiny...and was so pleased he could. Tinydecided to hold his ground as "top bunny"...but he did share the spot.
Tiny loves to relax outside.
Tiny is first meeting Puck here I think- or it is shortly after Puck came...
Tiny shares his salad with the lionheads - I was in shock.
Oh - how I wish that Tiny & Kyo would be friends again....thisis one of my favorite photos. Tiny is about 6pounds in this picture.
Tiny liked to supervise the cleaning of his cage. I think hewanted the comics here and wasn't pleased. He no longer has acage and is just a house rabbit....
The 'tweebs (Tio & Kyo) had to be separated due tofighting. I think Tiny missed them and wanted to hear bothsides of the story.
This is one of my favorites of Tiny...he was so thrilled torealize he'd found the "treat" bucket (you know - the food you're NOTsupposed to feed the bunnies cause of all athe additives?Well...I'd add about 1 tsp. to their normal supper and they loved it asa treat). Little did he know I really was watching.In this particular picture- he just heard Donald Trump say, "You'reFIRED" as I watched "The Apprentice"....and he got a wee bitnervous. I think he thought Donald Trump had caughthim in the bucket!
If you have any questions about Tiny and what he's like - please feelfree to ask. At times he can be snippish...he'll try to pullmy skirt off if I'm feeding the lionheads before I feed him...or givingthem treats and he wants one. He hates to be held and willfight me on that - largely because he wasn't socialized as ababy. If I was looking for a breeder again and wasn't sodesperate for a flemish - I'd look at different things - like holdingthe flemish before I got it to make sure it was socialized and could beheld.
I love my lionheads - to me - they have the personality (at leastfriendliness) of a flemish - they're very gentle - and if socialized ata young age - they love people...I like to say they're like a flemishwith batteries since they play more and do more binkies, etc.But - you can't beat a flemish if you have room for a largerabbit. It's so funny to see a large bunny sitting at thedoor asking to be let out - or hopping into another room to check outand see what's happening.
The only time you really have to be wary of a flemish - is if you'regiving others treats and you forget the flemmy....trust me...they'lllet you know.
Oh yes -and when I would sleep in the recliner - twice Tiny jumped upin my lap around 4:30-5:30 in the morning. I finally figuredout that the air conditioning would go in and scare him while he wassleeping...so he'd jump in my lap and dig at my clothes.
My only complaint about Tiny is I wish he was more of a cuddler likesome of the other flemmies on this board. But...he's who heis and has his own unique personality....and I wouldn't trade him foranything....even on his worst days.