Pics of my fids (fur and feather)

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Interesting stories! I wish my parents would have let me have that many pets. Although my mom claims to love animals, she just likes seeing/playing with other people's, and not having her own. :?She's strange like that. My dad, being a vet, loves pets, but he was always working until late every night, so he left the decisions up to my mom. Sorry about Skylar dying :( We had a budgie die because of the gasses/toxins emitted by nonstick cookware in the kitchen. Actually, we've since gotten rid of all nonstick cookware, after learning that the toxins are actually bad for HUMANS, too... and whenever you eat a meal cooked on a scratched nonstick pan, you're eating carcinogens (sp?). The things you learn from animals with delicate lungs :D