photo's of my cute bunnies

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Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
hi this is chucky my new rabbit can anyone tell mewhat breed he his,i think he looks like bagpuss:),i have only had himfor about 3 weeks,i have another rabbit named cheeky,and she ispregnant, i took her to the vets and made sure my we darling ishealthy,and she is,:) :dude:
Hi, mo123rabbit. Most of the time whenthe members are having problems attaching their photos it's because thefile size of the photois too large. Do a PROPERTIESon the photo and see how large the file size is. It needs tobe less than 102400 bytes in order for the system to accept it as anattachment.

If it is indeed too large, reduce the size, and then try again.

Let us know if you're still having problems after you try this.

Hope this helps! :)
I'm no expert, buthe looks like aHolland Lop. Maybe a mix with a Fuzzy Lop because he is so "Fuzzy." Helooks kind of big for a Fuzzy Lop, I think they are usually prettysmall:p. Wheredid you get him?

Lissa, BlueBelle, and CupCake
hi the lady that gave him to me could no longerlook after him working etc,and the lady new that i have a rabbitalready,(i did not no her she came to my door)and she told me a sadstory and that was me i said yes and really really daft me never askedwas it male or female and now i no hes a male as my female cheeky ispregnant,but iam a sucker for a sad story,because thats why i tookcheeky as i did not want any harm come to her and thats what happenedwhen i rescued my dog and cockiteil(bird)and a couple of weeks time iam getting a kitten:)and my partners building a fish pond,sothe animals i have are 2 rabbits-1 dog -1 bird -1 kitten(soon) and iwould like a lot of fish,and not forgetting 2 children
That was so sweet of you:D! I would love to rescueanimals, but there isn't enough room in our house:?. Maybe some othertime:). That is great that you can save some animal's life like that!

Lissa, BlueBelle, and CupCake
Is he molting badly??? The fuzzy gene isnot unusual in the Lops, so we occasionally get "fuzzies".The softer fur does not have the texture desired intheAmerican Fuzzy Lops.

He appears to be a blue, but hard to tell from the photo. The brown is likely just a rusty discoloration.

I notice you are in the UK, so your rabbit would be a miniature lop(known as the Holland Lop here in the US). The UK Dwarf Lopis Larger and here is known as the Mini Lop.

They also have the Cashmere Lops in the UK -- but he appears tobe molting (or is his coat actually long?)

Pam N.

hi for what i have found out he normally has thislong hair he seems to be going bald at his back,i have another questionmy rabbit cheeky is pregnant whens the best time to seperate them,? anyhelp at all would be great,
mo123rabbit wrote:
hi for what i have found out he normally has this long hair heseems to be going bald at his back,i have another question my rabbitcheeky is pregnant whens the best time to seperate them,? any help atall would be great,

Do you mean you have both the male and female in the same cage. If so,you need to seperate them a soon as possible. If the doe kindles themale will most likely kill them. After she has had the babies he canbreed her again and she could get pregnant soon after she has had thebabies. Also if you have left the male in the cage with her this wholetime I would watch out for double pregnancy, one of the "pregnancies"will be born early and will die.

If it is another female in the cage then I would still remove her as soon as possible because she might also kill the babies.

OR you mean when is the best time to seperate the babies from their mother?

If that was what you were asking then you usually wean them around 8week, some go as long at 10, but I usually wean them around 8 weeks.


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