Photo session with a Diva

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Oh my goodness:shock:Cali is HUGE! Whata beautiful girl you have Carolyn. She looks so content at being inthat position, I need to work more with Diva so she is content on herback. I find it is hard to turn an unwilling Flemish onto their backs.Once Diva is there she is Ok but getting her into position is somewhatof a struggle still. I would love to be able to go to the bunnyboathouse party! Probably won't happen though:(. Since my kids whereborn I have had one three day vacation from them. It is just such ahassel to find someone to watch them and my dogs, and the vacationwouldn't be very fun if I had to keep my eye on the little guys thewhole time.

Tell Buck to just go ahead and come to Minnesota to clip Diva's nailsfor me:p. Thanks for posting the pictures Carolyn. She looks like sucha love!

Fergi's mom
Fergi wrote:
Ifind it is hard to turn an unwilling Flemish onto their backs. OnceDiva is there she is Ok but getting her into position is somewhat of astruggle still.

I understand that completely. I go through the same thing,Fergi. As with Diva, once Cali's on her back she'sfine.

She absolutely adores her Uncle Buck. As you can see, she trusts him completely.

OMG! How gorgeous she is...... and BIG!

Buck, seeing as how you make house calls......... I have a little mini-rex that doesn't like his nails trimmed.......

She's the biggest 'baby' of the whole crew.

The other day, I had gotten mad at her because she was going to pull onthe rug. I yelled at her, and then went over and sat down towatch t.v. Next thing I know, I have this huge rabbit on mylap. She gets upset when I get mad at her. Once sheknew that she was forgiven, she was off and running again.

You got Buck to clip nails and renovate some cages, too. He's some kind of guy isn't he. ;)

Two thumbs up for Buck!! :D

Cali is BEAUTIFUL. And being so big it probably discouragesbunnienappers...or maybe not. Lemme see...I gotta backpack about hersize...hmmmmm. :cool:

I saw the before and after pictures of the bunnie room. How far apart did you take those pictures. It really looks nice now.

Stephanie wrote:

She's huge! I absolutely LOVE it!!! She's not even at her full size yet, is she Carolyn?

No, she's not, Steph. She's got months before she stopsgrowing. I wouldn't be surprised if Divapasses herin size. She's 4 months older than Diva, but Diva's ears arejust shy of 7", while Cali's are 7.25".

* * *


Bunny Room? Not sure if you were chatting with me or not.

I consider myself soo lucky to have a partFlemish (Jezebel, I have drawn the conclusion must be) BUT you two! Aresoo lucky, you bothhave absolute gorgeous babes on yourhands! I have a suggestion's for you and the missus Buck..hows boutbeing traveling professional bun clippers? Good gravy! From the soundsof it you could make the rounds all over the U.S and then hop on overhere to Canada (er, maybe a small jaunt to Taiwan?)

I must comment on Diva's colouring again, and the only word I can think of is

WOW..I adore it

and mah Cali-girl holds a very special place in my heart that is onlyreserved for buns of special caliber, hehe we know why right Carolyn?Sister to Jezebel :)

Thank you for sharing such wonderful pictures


P.S.I just confirmed in my girl's minds that their mommareally is nuts, and went to measure Jezebel's ears...they are at aresounding 6inches!

Cher wrote:
P.S.I just confirmed in my girl's minds that their mommareally is nuts, and went to measure Jezebel's ears...they are at aresounding 6inches!

WOW!! :shock:She does have big ears!!!

Cali, Tucks, and Fauna send you their love, Aunt Cher.

Completely agree that Diva's color is amazing!

Carolyn wrote:

Bunny Room? Not sure if you were chatting with me or not.

Yep...was the post on Jan4. It was when I asked you to PM Danielle whenKiona passed.Where we wanted to know where the door used togo to at Tucker Lane. The door with the OZ poster? You wanted us to seethe new door on the cage that Buck did during his visit.

A day or two later I saw an older picture of Tucker Lane, but I can't remember the thread that it was on.

Oh! I know what you're talking about now, Jim. Sorry!

Because you're such a big fan of The Wizard of Oz, I meant tocopy what that poster says. It's called "All I ever needed toknow, I learned from The Wizard of Oz." Will copy itfor you later when I'm home.

The older picture of Tucker Lane was on the Top 10post. The newer picture of how Buck put the nestbox on theother side, and then made a door was in the Cages Onlypost. When my niece and nephew first saw the cage, theysaid, "Look, Aunt Carolyn! Santa put a door on Tucker andFauna'scage!!"

Buck always does something for my rabbits when he visits.Everytime, without a doubt, I have himtrim their nailsbecause he's so good at it. He cuts themshorterthan I do; and he remains calm and they respond to that. Hewas the one that gave me Tucker's cage to begin withbecausehe couldn't use it.I think theworld of the man, as we all do.

Fergi, Oh theres gonna be trouble. I'm feelingbroody for another bunnyand then what happens - I see this:X:D. Whatan angel. I'm going have to get on my hands andknees and beg Ryan to let me have a Flemish giant. Diva is an amazingrabbit! What wonderful colouring!


Carolyn, I love those pictures of Cali! All these pictures of Flemishes - whats a girl to do? I WANT ONE!!!!!!

Buck sure has a way with rabbits doesn't he, he looks a completenatural and you can see Cali trusts him 100%. He could be a vet.Daisy's nails are really needing a trim now but I'm completelyterrified of doing it and think a trip to the vet is going to be inorder. Ask Buck if he is ever in our side of the pondif hewouldcome round here and do it for me:D! Big kisses to thatlittle girl from me!


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