Photo of Faye

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She is BEAUTIFUL! I'm in love!!!! She looks so much like Fergi and my Chompers. :) Her fur just looks so soft.

Hey, I'm a New Englander too. :p VT, though I love Maine and have been there several times. Love the ocean!
Forgot to mention I'm a Mainer too, though I'm close enough to frequently hop back and forth across the border.
Stephanie wrote:
She is BEAUTIFUL! I'm in love!!!! She looks so much likeFergi and my Chompers. :) Her fur just looks so soft.

Hey, I'm a New Englander too. :p VT, though I love Maine and have been there several times. Love the ocean!
Yea the bun in your pic is beautiful. I live in scarborough which is right on the ocean so its real nice.

YEAHY peter!!!!!!!!! i love youbun1!!!!soooooooooo cute and im love that you love her so much thatshows alot about you it takes a strong man to love a bunny ... im justso excited you found your way here!!!!!!thanks sooo much for postingpictures ooooh goodness yeahy im so excited!:)

What a great rabbit, she's beautiful :D. I alwayslove it when I can see lots of pictures of a bun and her surroundings,it gives so much more of a feel to hearing about her life. Liked theone of you both too. Hope you keep more photos coming.


MY Goodness, Dr. Pete! :shock:

Don't you feed that rabbit???? (*kidding*)

Actually, this really gave me a perspective on how big my Cali (FlemishGiant's) dewlap will get. Showrabbits, a breeder of Flemish Giants toldme that she'd develop a huge one and although my Holland Lop has a verybig dewlap, I couldn't picture it on Cali.

After seeing Ms. Faye's picture, I can imagine it now. She's about thesame color as Faye and I know that when I look down and she has herhead on my lap as Faye does with you, I'll see more dewlap than head.Did you see the post on "The Mystery of Dewlaps"? I'm finding itinteresting.

Thanks for the pictures of Faye. Wasn't she sick at one point? How'sshe doing these days? What did you do to make her better?

I love how they all have "their" spaces and sleepthere all the time. Valuran has his Smurf blanket that he either sleepson or next to - all the time. Abby likes to sleep behind the bookshelf,all squeezed inbetween that and the wall. Chompers loves his carrier.That or a big bunny pile in the cage.
Dr. Pete!!!!! She's absolutelyprecious! I love her face where you can just barely see hernose and mouth under the bed! It's so cute :)

Thank you for sharing photos of you and your sweet little Faye!

Stephanie wrote:
Ilove how they all have "their" spaces and sleep there all the time.Valuran has his Smurf blanket that he either sleeps on or next to - allthe time. Abby likes to sleep behind the bookshelf, all squeezedinbetween that and the wall. Chompers loves his carrier. That or a bigbunny pile in the cage.
Chernish sleeps in his carrier too.When he is not sleeping he is washing it with his tongue.
Carolyn wrote:
MY Goodness, Dr. Pete! :shock:

Don't you feed that rabbit???? (*kidding*)

Actually, this really gave me a perspective on how big my Cali (FlemishGiant's) dewlap will get. Showrabbits, a breeder of Flemish Giants toldme that she'd develop a huge one and although my Holland Lop has a verybig dewlap, I couldn't picture it on Cali.

After seeing Ms. Faye's picture, I can imagine it now. She's about thesame color as Faye and I know that when I look down and she has herhead on my lap as Faye does with you, I'll see more dewlap than head.Did you see the post on "The Mystery of Dewlaps"? I'm finding itinteresting.

Thanks for the pictures of Faye. Wasn't she sick at one point? How's she doing these days? What did you do to make her better?

Oh yes she wasn't drinking water for two dayswhich always upsets me. What happened was I ran out of Brittafilters and used tap water. Its hard for some to believe thatFaye would not drink water because its not filtered (we have great tapwater in Scarborough, ME) but I know Faye. Faye only likesthings a curtain way and shes always had filtered water so to make sureit wasn't a blockage I gave her 2 syringes of pineapple juice then(having nothing to do with the pineapple juice) I was awoken to hergulping water around 1am in the morn. I just used steaminghot water to cleans the water bottle of tap water and dried it of andput in the new Britta water. I also gave her a couplesyringes of water both nights which may of givenher theincentive to drink on her own(she said I had enough of you making medrink water, I can do it on my own, hehe).AlsoQ&A Yet the name came beforethat. I've had many friends that have not had the best lives(many of us) and I always listen. I give aunbiasedpoint of view and never tell anyone else what we have talked about andtherefor I became know in private conversations as the Dr.Aname which Ihave takento the Internet.From such dealings I found a love for helping people.
Peter & Faye
Aha....that wouldbe like one of our friends around here that we call Dr. Phil! And weoften have Dr. Phil-isms in our house! So, you are like the Dr. Phil ofyour circle of friends! Listeners are always so much better thanyappers! :dude:

dr_peter_kraz wrote:
her Toys ( she like to play mom with all the stuffed toys)

That's so cute that she has her own little play area with her toys allset up.... she looks like she's a very loved and doted-upon little(er....ahem.....okay, not so little!) girl.

I love all of the pictures of her- she looks like a real sweetie, andis beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pictures of your little cutie andyourself.
Woo! She has a little play area, dont shee? Lols. Your rabbit is adorable (; Look how much fun she had under the bed!:p

I missed your reply until just now, Peter. Sorry.

I've often wondered about giving my rabbits bottled water or filteredwater at the least. We, too, have great water here, but you reallynever know unless you get it tested. One has to consider the thingsthat is in water such a biological contaiminants, chlorine, lead,nitrates, radon and heavy metals. I've also heard reports that bottledwater goes through such a puration process that it loses a lot of theminerals that we need from it. The filtered seems the ideal and mosteconomical way to go. Was reading an article about rabbits gettingcancer from water and that's been one of those, I'll 'geta round tuit'as Buck Jones would say.

So glad to hear that Faye's well again.

I can appreciate getting up in the middle of the night and checking onher. I've done that "once or twice" since having rabbits myself. Itdoes bring your bond closer though.

Your bunny is sooo cute. I just lovelops. I have the same cage as is in your picture, but my ratsuse it because I thought the ramps might be too steep for mybuns. Does Faye have problems???