Phoebe is gone

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For those who have never lost a rabbit- let me tell you that what Just Jack did is one of the hardest things to do....

We lost a rabbit to pneumonia two weeks ago. I thought we had it undercontrol till suddenly - he got worse and died within an hour. Icouldn't even get him to the vet's in the time from when he got worseto when he passed on.

I wasn't there when he died - Robin was holding him while I got readyto hop in the car and take him to the vet....(I had been trying to callthe vet to get him in town here locally but no one would take him sincethey don't handle rabbits).

I still cry over the fact that I wasn't there at the end. He took hislast breath as I walked in the room and Robin said that he knew I wasthere.....

Anyway - Just Jack - I've spent half the afternoon crying - both for Phoebe - but especially for you.

Just Jack wrote:
All I reallycould do was just hold her close and pet her till she was gone..
I'm really sorry Jack ..really horribleexperience but there was nothing you could do. In the 90's I stepped onone of my young pet guinea pigs who was hiding under a newspaper...Ibroke her neck..she looked sort of odd for less than 1 minute and thenjust died. I felt absolutely horrible. Rabbits are fragile and the morethat I learn about them the more I think this. You're an excellentbunny owner and she had a wonderful life with you.
This has happend to some of thebestrabbit ownersout there. Anaward winning pet owner where I used to live had a pet rabbit that justhopped out of her cage and fell 5 feet down and died.

I'm so sorry, Jack :hug2:

Binkie free, little Phoebe:rainbow:

As someone who has lost 3 rabbits over the yearsI can sympathize. I think it was easierto let go of Oreo who died in my arms than it was to let go of Whiskersand Kiwi. Both of them were fine when I left the house anddead when I came home. Both of them were at least 8 or 9 y/oand were rescues. Our beloved Oreo was arescue of undetermined age. He had been getting sick and wehad taken him to the vet who stated he was failing and that we couldput him down or we could wait and see and let nature take itscourse. We took him home and talked and called the vet to saywe would be bringing him in the next morning as he could no longerstand up, eat or drink. We held him and cuddled him and lovedhim until about 530am when he just gave a little sigh in my hubby armsand crossed the rainbow bridge. Just know that youwere there and that your little bun crossed the bridge feeling lovedand cuddled.
Thanks again everybody. All of yourkind words really have helped. It is a tragedy that thishappened and I do certainly hope that I can make sure that it neverhappens again. I guess in a way it is comforting to know thatthis happens to others so I don't feel so alone about it. Nowwe are just going to concentrate on giving Buddy and Franky all thelove and attention then can handle.