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When I was little-weeping willow trees. I guess I thought they'd strangle me. Also when I was little-escalators. I would cry and scream with my mom when we had to get on one-once I was safely on, I was fine. To this day, I'm cautious upon approach and until both feet are firmly planted.

Now-not much. Being in a strange place and having it go pitch black where you can't see anything at all-makes me so scared it's not funny. Heights. Birds flying near me fearing they'll fly into me:shock:*shivers*.
maherwoman wrote:
Lightening - I cry during rainstorms when there's lightening. I think this one's related to the fear of electrocution.

My son had a terrible fear at one time of lightning. It came about when a childhood friend of mine was struck and died - across the road from my mom and dad's house. They tried to do CPR and he got to the hospital but he was brain dead. He was like 32 or so.

The strange thing was - it wasn't storming, it wasn't windy or anything but it was overcast and drizzling. He and another friend of ours from the hood were playing around with a soccer ball in the yard and he was just in the wrong place.

So, we ended up having therapy sessions over my son's fear. Now, he's toyed with becoming a meteorologist - research possibly - wants to do some storm chasing. :? I'm hoping he goes for the other field he's interested in - bio chem.
Just FYI, it's lightning I think, I'm sure lightening means to make the colour of something lighter :p.

My biggest fear is still whales, will always be, have no clue why!
You're right - it is lightning. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing - I have kids that think it's cool to talk to mom while she's typing. :?

I guess I have a few phobias, and probably a lot of fears. :) Some of mine:


Spiders, beetles, June bugs...basically bugs in general. I don't mind looking at them, in fact can be quite fascinated by them, but if one touches me I am outta there!! I still have quite a major phobia of June bugs; if one happened to get caught on my clothing I betcha I'd be running faster than the sound of my screams.

Things swinging in the air. Kind of hard to explain, but, say someone is swinging something around like, I don't know, maybe a rope with something attached to the end of it, I get the willies. Way back in the 70s they had those things called 'clacker balls' or 'clatter balls', a toy for teens...they were two hard poolball-type things on the end of a rope, and the kids would swing them about so they clattered together...well, they were extremely popular at my school (at least, until they got banned for being dangerous). And I was so terrified of them that I could barely go outdoors during lunch hour, as half the kids on the grounds had them. I have this huge phobia of something like that suddenly flying at me and striking me...or even just coming loose and flying into anything. One of my dog's favorite toys is a 'My Pretty Pony'...she grabs it by the tail and whips it around, then lets go...and I feel sick to my stomach whenever she does that because of my fear of it either hitting me. Or a window. Or the tv. Or the fish tank. And even swing sets cause me to break into a sweat. LOL...even writing about this phobia is stressing me out. :shock:

Water. I am terrified of drowning. Always have been. Because of this (and my dad's haphazard way of attempting to teach me) I never did learn to swim. And ironically, I almost drowned a week before my wedding (long story, stupid thing my fiance, his cousin, and I did). I get quite nervous on boats, and canoes freak me out. I can get in one, but it's certainly not enjoyable...I get stressed from the moment I step in until I'm on dry land again.


Something happening to my pets. This one is a fairly big fear of mine. Whenever I leave the house in the morning I have this fear nagging at me...the old 'what if' scenario...what if someone broke in, what if one of them got into something that could harm them, what if a fire started (the biggest fear), etc.

Losing my job. Because this happened to me in the past, and I went through a terrifically tough time for a couple of years afterward, that fear is always there.

Abandonment. Yep, this is one of my fears too, so much so that I tend to keep most people at arm's length, distancing myself. It's an odd self-preservation reaction - based upon the reasoning that if you don't allow yourself to be too close to anyone, then you can't get hurt when they abandon you. Of course in reality all distancing does is make you have less friends, and it's sort of like cutting off a toe so you won't get a hangnail, but it's a response I've been doing since I was a kid, as I felt very abandoned back then, and through my early adult life.

Those be some of mine...;)

XxMontanaxX wrote:
Athazagoraphobia is my biggest.


Well I had to look up the meaning of your fear, Montana, but now that I know, I guess it would be one of mine too. LOL...and it also reminds me of my wedding day, oddly enough. Everyone went to the church ahead of time while I stayed at the house (shaking over the fear of going through the ceremony). Someone was supposed to come back and pick me up about 15 minutes before the start, but I waited...and waited...and waited. The ceremony was to begin at 2:00, and it was about a 10-minute drive to get to the 5 to 2 I was still at the house, waiting. Finally a few minutes after 2 my dad showed up. Can you believe it? Everyone forgot about me and no one had thought to come and pick me up! And I was the bride! sheesh. :headsmack

(Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention one of my really big fears in my first post...thinking back to my wedding day reminded me of it: Public speaking!!! That's a biggie with me.)
I have a fear of driving over bridges with water underneath. I'm afraid the bridge will
collapse. I want to get off that bridge as fast as possible and if traffic is slow or stopped it flip out city!

I also get really nervous when passing 18 wheelers especially in tight construction zones. Can't tolerate being behind then or in front of them or to the side. To think, my uncle drives one for a living!

Luckily though, when I flip out it's just singing really loud to the radio and not a screaming ordeal.

Other things I dislike- spiders... any and every kind!, snakes, and clowns.

I alsocringe and get cold every time I'm watching a TV show or moviewhere someone gets a person gets hit by a vehicle. Have my reasons for that tho.

I don't really have phobias... I do have pretty strong fears but not enough to be a phobia...

Earwigs - I can play with spiders... I'll even rescue spiders... But earwigs??? those things FREAK me out. See... Already getting shivers down my spine just thinking about them. Ugh.

Break-in - I am always terrified of someone breaking in while I am in the house alone. I worry when someone is here, but when I am alone I get paranoid.

And finally Abandonment. Funny how many people have it.

Stealing this from bassetluv cause it was described so precisely:

"Abandonment. Yep, this is one of my fears too, so much so that I tend to keep most people at arm's length, distancing myself. It's an odd self-preservation reaction - based upon the reasoning that if you don't allow yourself to be too close to anyone, then you can't get hurt when they abandon you. Of course in reality all distancing does is make you have less friends, and it's sort of like cutting off a toe so you won't get a hangnail, but it's a response I've been doing since I was a kid, as I felt very abandoned back then, and through my early adult life."

I couldn't describe it better.
Things that I am skeered of..

La cucaracha...seriously. Not the lil hybrid teeny tiny roaches. But the Tree roaches. The Big Giant roaches who walk up to you and snatch the chicken from your mouth and slap you upside the head roaches. The kind that when you turn the bathroom light on, their already sitting there, using the facilities, and they scream at you to shut the light off. They fly after you, they scare me.
One time my son had friends over and I was in the back part of the house and a roach jumped out at me. I screamed. Not a normal bloodcurdling scream, but a Scooby Doo scream where it's really exaggerated, and in case anybody didn't hear me, I screamed again, and in case anyone didn't hear me the second time, I screamed again. None of the boys got up to come to my aide except for the new kid. All the other kids said *Chill, it's just a roach.. AGAIN!*

The other thing I am kinda weirded out by, is my own imagination. Yanno those ghost stories you sit around and tell? Well one time.. at band camp.. SERIOUSLY.. it really was band camp, I made up this story about yanno how you can be outside in the twilight, and you see something in your peripheral vision move, and when you turn your head, there's nothing there? Well this story was about a race of monster's called the Peripheral's you see them creeping up on you, but if you look at them dead on, they're gone, but by then it's too late, your already dead. Yes I realize I made it up, it's a camp tale... but.. what if? And if I think about it sometimes.. I creep myself out about it.

The last phobia... large groups of stupid people who don't like me clustered up and periodically looking my way. Totally throws my groove off and unnerves me.

Rocks-I hate walking on them. I am afraid I am going to step in a hole or slip and cut my head open.

Heights-I will not go on roller coasters. I barely even go on space moutain at DisneyLand.:shock:

Flying/Going on a Boat-I am afraid We are going to crash or sink!

Claustrophobia-I hate being in a tight area. Such as elevator,airplane(bleh),or small bathroom

Blood-It grosses out everyone!

Throw up- Yuck! And I am the one who gets motion sick on airplanes!

Yeah there are probably more but I am lazy!:)

GoinBackToCali said (regarding roaches)
The kind that when you turn the bathroom light on, their already sitting there, using the facilities, and they scream at you to shut the light off.
I don't think I have anything that could be considered a phobia. I don't *like* spiders, cockroaches or posionous snakes, but they don't scare me. I accidently left my window open and had spiders make a web above my bed and I didn't freak or anything.
I guess my biggest dislike (I can't even call it a fear) is hights. I actually like hights when I am straped in. It is basically just driving over bridges. I still drive over them though. So much for that.

I was developing a fear of needles because I had to get a few shots and this lady JABBED the needle in me and it hurt like heck, but then the next time I had to get a shot there was a diferent lady and I didn't even feel the shot, so then I was ok with them again.

I guess I am just a very... odd person. Most people are afraid of something.
Not really scared of much. Don't ask me why. No idea some things give me th willys but not freak me out. Oh and don't try to scare me I fight back.:biggrin2:
When I read this the first time, I read it as "being upside down IN really large crowds"
I was like *Man this girl has REALLY got some problems*, and instantly felt sorry for you, then I wondered if there was a big precedence for being upside down in large crowds, which caused me to re-read it, and discover, that in fact, I am a moron.

bat42072 wrote:
being upside down and really large crowds... I want to be able to see everything going on around me
where in kountze do you get your pig feed? I reread my thread to see what i typed... i was half asleep when I typed

GoinBackToCali wrote:

OMG Bat-Your From Kountze- That's where I get my pig feed!! Another rabbit person!!!!

I don't know...LOL...

I only went once with my husband, he usually goes.. but it's off the main road, down a gravely road, and theres no distinguishable signs.. we just know it as *Kountze Feed*.. the guy who owns it is as old as..well... dino doody. He only takes cash or checks cause he can't figure out them *new fangled credit card machines*

Do you have any kids that show at the fair?
