I guess I have a few phobias, and probably a lot of fears.

Some of mine:
Spiders, beetles, June bugs...basically bugs in general. I don't mind looking at them, in fact can be quite fascinated by them, but if one touches me I am outta there!! I still have quite a major phobia of June bugs; if one happened to get caught on my clothing I betcha I'd be running faster than the sound of my screams.
Things swinging in the air. Kind of hard to explain, but, say someone is swinging something around like, I don't know, maybe a rope with something attached to the end of it, I get the willies. Way back in the 70s they had those things called 'clacker balls' or 'clatter balls', a toy for teens...they were two hard poolball-type things on the end of a rope, and the kids would swing them about so they clattered together...well, they were extremely popular at my school (at least, until they got banned for being dangerous). And I was so terrified of them that I could barely go outdoors during lunch hour, as half the kids on the grounds had them. I have this huge phobia of something like that suddenly flying at me and striking me...or even just coming loose and flying into anything. One of my dog's favorite toys is a 'My Pretty Pony'...she grabs it by the tail and whips it around, then lets go...and I feel sick to my stomach whenever she does that because of my fear of it either hitting me. Or a window. Or the tv. Or the fish tank. And even swing sets cause me to break into a sweat. LOL...even writing about this phobia is stressing me out. :shock:
Water. I am terrified of drowning. Always have been. Because of this (and my dad's haphazard way of attempting to teach me) I never did learn to swim. And ironically, I almost drowned a week before my wedding (long story, stupid thing my fiance, his cousin, and I did). I get quite nervous on boats, and canoes freak me out. I can get in one, but it's certainly not enjoyable...I get stressed from the moment I step in until I'm on dry land again.
Something happening to my pets. This one is a fairly big fear of mine. Whenever I leave the house in the morning I have this fear nagging at me...the old 'what if' scenario...what if someone broke in, what if one of them got into something that could harm them, what if a fire started (the biggest fear), etc.
Losing my job. Because this happened to me in the past, and I went through a terrifically tough time for a couple of years afterward, that fear is always there.
Abandonment. Yep, this is one of my fears too, so much so that I tend to keep most people at arm's length, distancing myself. It's an odd self-preservation reaction - based upon the reasoning that if you don't allow yourself to be too close to anyone, then you can't get hurt when they abandon you. Of course in reality all distancing does is make you have less friends, and it's sort of like cutting off a toe so you won't get a hangnail, but it's a response I've been doing since I was a kid, as I felt very abandoned back then, and through my early adult life.
Those be some of mine...