I agree. Though there are many ofother types of stores near us (even a geek store that sells dice androle-playing game accessories...we frequent it, hehe!), there aren't awhole heck of a lot of pet stores. We have the choice of aplace called Lots of Pets (which has our favorite type of water bottle,but that's about it in the small animal department, though they have aNICE cat section, with good selection...so we go there for the kitties'things) or Petco (which has a NICE small animal section...GOODvariety).
So, though there are things about either store that I don't like, wedon't have the availability to shop elsewhere (because those are theONLY two petstores we've found within a reasonable distance from home),and sometimes you just can't wait for something you've purchased online(nor can we always afford the shipping).
So yeah, depends mostly on the location.
OH!! I can't believe I almost forgot!! We also buybunny things (mostly apple branches and various toys) from BunnyLuvcloseby in Van Nuys. GREAT place...not a huge selection, butall the right stuff...and you can spend some time with the bunnies,too! They have this huge group of bunnies that are allbonded, and you can sit right down in the pen with them...it's so muchfun!!
I think BunnyLuv's site should be added to the resource listings...infact, let me see about adding them...they're WORTH IT.
JadeIcing wrote:
I think it depends on where you are located.