Active Member
Thanks flashy, yes it was a bit of a manic day yesterday (my father also took ill and we had to call the doc out for him in the middle of the night due to stomach problems!!) Something strange in this household yesterday XD
I was reading about Infacol on the other posts last night, but had no idea what it was! I assume that I can just pick it up from the pharmacy if its for babies so I will get some in for thumper (typical gassy boy lol
). Im not sure what caused the episode last night, but the emergency vet said it may well be his teeth as he has also had to have them filed before (about a year ago) - but im wonderng if it was also the stress of honey being persistantly ill as he spends a lot of time looking after her when shes bad.
Tony - thanks I took your advice and used the cream on her mouth which seemed to help when I checked again this morning. I also checked with the vet just now, and he said it was a good idea to use it and it is harmless if injested.
Angie - i agree, we had thought that a secondary fence around the pen (about a metre+ away from the outside fence of the pen) would have been sufficient to keep him from really worrying them. We have already introducted them through the wire and honey, as usual, was inquisitive and giving kisses through the fence, Thumper just watched from a safe distance. However, since they are both ill/traumatized at the moment, we have decided to put off bringing the dog home until Saturday so it gives them 5 days to start feeling more perky. If they're still bad after that we will only let the dog into the garden supervised intially so we can ensure he stays away from that area.
I was reading about Infacol on the other posts last night, but had no idea what it was! I assume that I can just pick it up from the pharmacy if its for babies so I will get some in for thumper (typical gassy boy lol
Tony - thanks I took your advice and used the cream on her mouth which seemed to help when I checked again this morning. I also checked with the vet just now, and he said it was a good idea to use it and it is harmless if injested.
Angie - i agree, we had thought that a secondary fence around the pen (about a metre+ away from the outside fence of the pen) would have been sufficient to keep him from really worrying them. We have already introducted them through the wire and honey, as usual, was inquisitive and giving kisses through the fence, Thumper just watched from a safe distance. However, since they are both ill/traumatized at the moment, we have decided to put off bringing the dog home until Saturday so it gives them 5 days to start feeling more perky. If they're still bad after that we will only let the dog into the garden supervised intially so we can ensure he stays away from that area.