Perms - the hair kind :o).

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Cleveland-area, Ohio, USA
Well, I think I might break down and get a perm. I've made a tentative appointment for tonight, but it's not final. I know I want a perm, but I'm kind of scared too. I've had them before and they always looked awesome, but my hair...well, it's a mess right now.

So, have you ever had a perm? Was it a disaster or a success? Share your stories here!
I have naturally thick, long curly hair. It's always a disaster. It's not as great as it sounds. Then again, you want what you don't have. I would love strait managible hair.
You should not get a perminant perm so you can see what it looks like on you and if you like it.
Good Luck
I had a perm once and really liked it....but I don't want to do them at home and I can't afford to have them done at a salon. Plus - I think I like my hair shorter anyway....

I had perms when I was younger, and also a few years ago. I really liked them, but my hair is really straight normally, and the perm would grow out. Plus it takes a long time to do (sitting in that chair for forever) and is kinda expensive. Good luck though! If you get a good stylist you trust, it should come out good and it's fun to have curly hair sometimes!! I do recommend a perm-specific shampoo though because the perm will dry your hair out A LOT!
I had my hair chemically straightened before, which is the same treatment as a perm except for the fact that you are using the products to make your hair straight not curly. The first time, my hair was ok. However, as my hair grew out curly I would get it done again...maybe every 6 months. After about 3 or 4 treatments (the last of which, the lady left the stuff in my hair too long) my hair was extremely dry. It became the consistency of a dollar store wig. Needless to say, I stopped getting that done. It took a few years to grow out and I have found an awesome shampoo/conditioner (Sunsilk Anti-Poof) to control my curly hair.

So for you, I'd say go for it! Just don't keep redoing the perm or you might end up with really damaged hair in the end ;)
Well, I did it. And I love it! I'll definitely post some pictures either tomorrow or Friday since I need new batteries for the camera, but it does look awesome!

I've had perms before and they always come out really nice. But I've never had a perm while my hair has been pretty short and I was nervous. But the stylist did a really fantastic job and I'm loving it.

I have naturally thick and wavy hair. But when I was sick, I lost a lot of my curl and my hair has looked bland ever since. I haven't even had it professionally cut for a long time so this was a real treat. And I know that my hair holds the perm for a good 5-6 months so I can handle the expense every so often. I should also say that I'm committing to getting my hair trimmed every 8 weeks or so. That way the perm will look fresh and last longer and I'll be able to continue feeling good about myself.

I just want to especially thank Peg since she's been so open and honest about her "makeover." It's inspired me to do some self-care as well and I even got some cute clothes tonight!

I can't wait to show pics! The only thing is that the stylist kind of over-styled my hair and I can't wash it/shampoo it for at least 2 days. I have straight streaks in the front as part of the style (she used a flat iron) and while it looks really cute, I want to see it all curly. Oh well. It's cute so I can wait a few days to try out the other style with it being 100% curly.

I can actually say that tonight I feel pretty ;).
Pictures are on the way...but probably not until tomorrow or Sunday. I've not been able to get to the store to get new batteries for my camera. Anywho, it's probably for the best anyway since I am getting to wash my hair for the first time since the perm tonight. I still love it though and can't wait to see what it looks like tomorrow!

I'm really happy with it and it's boosted my confidence majorly. It was definitely worth every penny :dude:.
Alexah wrote:
I just want to especially thank Peg since she's been so open and honest about her "makeover." It's inspired me to do some self-care as well and I even got some cute clothes tonight!


I can actually say that tonight I feel pretty ;).
I'm glad that my "makeover" helped you. I'm thinking about doing a separate post about it here and adding pics and stuff of different outfits - I haven't decided yet. I'll probably do it - just not sure about the pictures.

I also want to say that I'm really really happy that you feel pretty.....I know how good it feels when you feel that makes you feel like you can conquer the world.
