Pepper made it through her spay

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I'm using the triple anti-biotic neosporin +pain relief. I've been watching her carefully so that shedoesn't ingest a lot. But because the hole is pretty big Iput a good blob in there to fill the hole. I figured it wouldhelp it heal even better.

PGG... the only good in Corky going through what he did is that youhave learned so much valuable info to pass on to other bunnyowners. Thank you for all of your advice on bunny boo boo's!:hug:Everyone has been so helpful to me and Pepper... shestill gives me bunny kisses even though I have to do things to her shedoesn't quite like (neosporin for instance)... I think she knows I"mtrying to help her, doesn't stop her from thumping though.

Something else I've noticed (sorry this is ongoing) is that her buttarea is becoming pretty matted and yellow/brown. It's likeshe is sitting too long on wet spots in the litter box. Ihaven't tried extensively to clean it yet because I don't want tostress her out too much or pull open her incision until I know it'shealed all the way. Other than usingthe smallanimal wet wipes they sell at pet stores, I can't think of what else touse to clean her up. Anyone have any ideas or will I have todo a partial bath once she is healed?

Thanks again for all the info.

Hey, I have booked in my rabbits to get spayedfor tomorow. What is neosporin? and where do you get it from? I want tobe prepared before the spaying. What else do you recomend I get forthem?

I seem to remember that when i got my other two done about 5 yrs ago (Ihad got them done one at a time then) the vet said just to leave theminside over night. And to put them back in their hutch together thenext morning? Was this all wrong? It seemed to go ok though. When I wastold to do this, i didnt think the hutch would be a good idea, so itook all the straw etc out and just lined it with sawdust.

These two rabbits are both seperate atm any way. Can i put them back intheir hutches/cages this time? or should i do the 'right' thing andleave them inside until they are heeled? The vet must of known what hewas doing, surely? Maybe i should of gone to a different vets this time:??
Neosporin is a cream that comes in a small tubethat quickens the healing process, kills bacteria on a wound, and helpsreduce scaring. You should be able to find it at any drugstore or place that sells medicine.

My advice would be to keep your rabbit in a place where you can keepyour eye on her. You need to watch her closely for the firstfew days to make sure she is eating and using the bathroom.You also need to inspect the incision at least twice a day to check forinfection and make sure the stiches or glue are holding and she is notpulling them out (this happened to me). My vet also told meto keepher apart from my other rabbit for at least 10 days...I think this length of timewillinsure properhealing so she doesn't rip her incision open.

Also, keep her cage very clean so when she does lay down shedoesn't get it infected. If your bunny uses a litter box,make sure that you replace the litter (depending on what you use) withsomething paper-based, as in newspaper or yesterday's news.This will also helpprevent infection. You will alsowant to keep nutri-cal on hand (this is an appetite stimulant for catsand dogs) to feed your rabbit if she does not begin eating pretty soonafter the surgery.

Good luck with the spay and keep us updated.

~ Jamie
No prob PepperGrl...glad that horrible exp hasdone someone some good... :D :D Yes, I sure did learn alot thru allthat!! Dr Mark was very patient in making sure I understood it that was nice!! Helps me to keep my other buns healthier too!

Glad to hear Pepper still luvs ya ;)...didn't figure it'd be anything less!
I have just taken the rabbits to the vets to getspayed, and they should be done at about 2 o clock, but i cant pickthem up until 5 :(But i will phone up at 2 to see how theyare.

I have just popped down to our local chemist and they do not sellNeosporin, only if you have a prescription from your doctor. I am notsure if you can use these on animals, but could i use savalon, orsudocreme on my rabbits? They are both antiseptic healing creams?

I have just bought them both a box of bread sticks, there favouritetreat for after the surgery. I hope everything goes well :D
I'm not familiar with those two ointments thatyou mentioned. Maybe they are comparable to neosporin but I'mnot sure. Maybe you could do an internet search on them or PMPam, she might know better. I hope your buns make it outok. Keep us updated.

~ Jamie
Savalon - An antiseptic skin healing cream for cleansing and helping prevent infection

I think the sudocreme is more of a cream for sunburn and rashes.

I have a tube of savalon already in the cupboard. Is there a sign orlogo i should be looking for that means harmful 2 animals? or sumthing.
Ive just got the bunnies back from thevets, But they dont seem to be eating or drinking at the moment. I haveto bring them back friday evening for a check up on the stitches etc.But atm they seem to be happy. Pepper looks really exhausted but Dottyis just sitting their like normal. I hope they start eating anddrinking soon! I havent found a cream to put on the wounds yet? :?
The creams you have in the U.K. may be diferentthen those we have in the states. Check on-line for whatneosporin has in it and see if you can find a similiar product in yourstores. I know my wife (naturestee) posted a list of what isin it in a diferent topic. If your buns don't want to eat ordrink, it may be because they don't want to move. Try puttingfood (their favorites) and water under their nose occasionally if theyaren't eating to see if this will help.
Yay pepper is eating some cabbage! I havent seenDotty eat anything yet. I stuck the food under their noses when i putit in their cages but they wasnt interested. Maybe they will later on.Thankz for all the advice people. oh oh and Pepper isdrinking! YAY. lets hope there is hope for Dotty too. She is drinkingan awfull lot? :?is this suppose to happen?
I just found some dandelion leafs in the gardenand Dotty ate them happily. Hopefully it will be a good recovery forboth of them. I cant find the ingredience in neosporin? Does anyoneelse know them?
As long as they eat and drink (even if it is alittle) and are pooping occasionally then all is fine. Aslong as you keep the cage dry, clean, and none dusty and the incisionsare not open or infected, you won't need to put on anyointment. My guess by the way things sound by you, theyprobably won't need the ointment anyways unless something goes wronglater (pulling stitches, they jump too hard and rip it open or such)

*edit* I can't find our bottle of neosporin and I have to goto work now. Really sorry I can't give you the ingrediants,but I know for a fact naturestee put the ingrediants in another topiconly a week or two ago. Search some and I am sure you willfind it.
There is no sign of poops in their cages yet.But they have been weeing. Pepper is laying down trying to keep herbelly off the ground bless her. It looks very uncomfortable sittinglike she is. I know its probually not such a big deal, but i do getworried about them lol. I will check their wounds early morning. Theyhave been licking them a bit but they dont really seem bothered aboutthem.

That damn cat from next door is sitting on our fence again starring atthe rabbits and guinea pigs. I love cats, but it looks like its aboutto pounce on them any minute :p

My Pepper took a good day to start pooping andthen her poops were a little squishier than normal. Afterabout two days they started looking normal again. Just makesure they are eating and drinking and the poops will come.

~ Jamie
Dotty started pooing wednesday night. But Pepperhasnt pooed once yet. Im starting to worry alot since itsbeennearly 3 days now. But to take the worry off meabit they are both booked in at the Vets tonight for a check up anyway.I hope she is ok and that i dont have to spend any more money on her!lol She seems fine, but its the pooing im worried about. I dont thinkshe has even peed either.

But whenever i use to let her down into her run in the mornings shewent straight into her litter tray at the bottom in the run and did herbusiness there. Its as if she was holding it in all nightlol. Do you think that is why she hasnt pooed/peed? I haventlet her down into the run since the operation. Do you think i shouldlift her down into the run and put her in her litter tray? Or shall ileave her for the vet to look at tonight. I dont want to stress her outmore than i need to.
So she's only pooping in the litterbox in herrun? Maybe she's having trouble getting into the litterbox inher cage. Does it have a low side? If not, cut partof it lower. Also, clean out her litterbox and put somesoiled litter in it to give her the idea.
shes in her hutch atm, and the litter tray isdown in the run so she cant get to it. Because i didnt want to let herin the run to be hopping about after her op. She hasnt been able to goin it since b4 the op. It doesnt fit in her hutch either. Can she godown in the run yet? or will she tear the stitvhes by hopping about?
You probably shouldn't let her run aroundyet. Your vet should have given you some instructions aboutthat. Mine said wait two weeks.

Can you get a smaller litterbox? Maybe an old pie plate orsomething. She's obviously not comfortable going on thefloor. Would you be?:p
Lol no not really! But Dotty doesnt really carelol. I could find a smaller one. I would of thought she wontb able to hold it in any longer? and just do it on the floor anywaylol. I will start looking for a smaller thing to use as alitter tray. Maybe my mum has an old pie tray or sumt.
Although with Dotty if you have her on your lapfor 10 mins example she has done about 30 odd pooes on your lap. AndPepper never pooes on you.

I think my old rabbit Mollie taught Pepper to do her business in thelitter tray because Pepper came from a pet shop and pooed any where shewants. Its really cute. Good ol' Mollie. She should be alive today toteach Dotty not to poo on people.

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