People Probably think we're crazy......

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I love this topic! My daughter had a few funny ones. The one we still use often is "Hot frys" We were constantly telling her to be careful because her food was hot so she startedcalling french frys"hot frys." Also common was Wa-wa, applepine...and we too use pasketti. lol

Just recently we were at a taco bell and she (13 years old) asked for a cheese burrito. lol. The guy thought she wanted a tortilla filled with only cheese so we make fun of her for that. She meant bean and cheese....

I can not pronounce the word Onion properly to save my life. It comes out something like "Onguin" Robert constantly makes fun of me saying there is no g in Onion. I also tend to add an N to vegtable and say Vengtable.

Don't get me started on baby talk. My rabbit answers to "pretty pretty!"
Oh Lol, I have alot. I had a bad accident as a child and din't get one of my front tooth until I was 10.

I used to say, Bagina ( Yeah you know what I ment :shock:... but the worst part was I said it like bah- gina as in the name, Gina ) Until I was around 4. My parents never stoped me because they'd get a good laugh at it. But once we did body parts in grade 1 , Lol that was over with.

I said Pasketie until I was 12.

When I talk fast i'll get confused and say anillawl. ( For animal ) I get weird looks from people.

Lol when I was a kid i'd say ' Can I have a done-it ' for a donut.

I would be all over ZEUS with baby Talk! I talk to Tony and tell him what a pretty big boy bunner he is... HOw he's such a big sweetie.....

Bo is Mama's widdle fatty boy..... he rolls his little bunner eyes... Clover wants to puke..... :?
When my son was small he used to have problems pronouncing his uncle's name, so...'Richard' came out as 'Westerd'. And Stephen's little friend who lived across the street couldn't pronounce Stephen's name well, so 'Stephen' to her was 'Teema'. Oh yes, and when we moved to Ottawa when Stephen was 5, he never could pronounce 'parliament' very well...which led to a mixup between us one day. I was apartment-hunting at the time, and on one afternoon I was going to check out a place and wanted to leave Stephen with my sister. He began to cry, saying he wanted to see the apartments too, but I figured it would be best to leave him behind for initial viewings. He still had big tears in his eyes as I left my sister's house.

Well, a few days later we were on the bus going downtown and suddenly Stephen called out excitedly, 'There they are!! The apartment buildings!! Let's go see them, Mom!" I turned to look, only to see my son pointing at the Parliament buildings on the Hill. :biggrin2: ex-husband never could pronounce 'spaghetti' (and he was an adult ;)). I think he called it 'pasgetti' or something like that. He also used to pronounce 'aluminium' as 'aloonium'.
bawberry, I still say this for strawberry milk, connor, this 2 year old I used to babysit always wanted his bawberry milk. When I say bawberry... well let's just say I get many many strange looks, lmao.

I also use a baby voice a lot bc of talking like that to the dogs and bunnies. So I'll see something cute and automatically do it, it's kind of embarrassing too, lmao.
Wild Bunnies do not get baby talked to! Clover is just appalled (but we do it anyhow) when someone says "Wook at dat sweet widdle cwovabunny under her bwankie!"

My niece used to call me aunt PEEPEE..... she couldn't say Pennie..... :?:p

Oh gawd, we are the worst for baby talking :shock:! I baby talk way more now than when I was little.

Weird names I have for things are:

Rabbit: rear-butt or ra-ra
Mathew: Maffoo...and he calls me "Da Chelloo"
Cute: coonies (don't even ask, lol!)
Brewster (my cat): Booster, ****oo, Brewy tooey
Smelly: stinka tinka

I'm gonna go hide under a rock now :embarrassed:

:laugh:this thread is craking me up!

here's my list

Annie/Nana-what little kids(my sis started it:headsmack)call me before they figure out Anna.

Po-po-Emily called her little pony tail her po-po when she was 1-3 ish. "Fix my po-po....." so cute:tongue!

Incontinence/innocent-i say innocent IN-Con-Ta-Nent. my mom had to tell me for ages it was a bladder control problem. and i'd go no, i'm saying it's incontinent fun!" i finally figured it out, but i still have to think to say it right:whistling

i can't think of any more(i can, but Em'd kill me if i shared:sofa:), other than baby talk. i do it to the cats and J. and the fish:craziness

This thread is awesome lol!!

Bo B, I was debating whether or not to add in some of the other things we call each other, but, er, I'll follow your example and stay silent on that one.

One other weird thing we say, it started out as "oh no" and it's ended up being "oh clotched" and I honestly have NO idea how that happened. Seriously. I don't have a clue what 'clotched' could be or where that word came from.

We are all freaks on this thread :p. I love it! Especially the inocent/incontinent thing!
This thread has turned out pretty funny! I love reading what weird things everyone says!

We also never say ugly - we say UGGY....... Ohhh what an uggy mess!

I am constantly calling Dakota and Pokie - Ponies. Pokie is SO offended! I really think she knows what I'm calling her.... she pins her ears back! LOL! We also call Sydney (all 70 pounds of her) our Puppy or WUPPER Pupper Dawg! She gets all excited and wiggles her entire body. (if you've never been around Aussies - they wiggle - it's funny!)
My nephews and niece always talk weird and some of them are old enough to kow how to talk right. It is sometimes embarrassing.

When my 13 year old nephew was little he would said "basketti" for spaghetti. he still does sometimes.

My 9 year old neice and five year old nephew say "freebetend" for pretend, "basketti" also i think, i can't think of the others but i will post when i do.

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