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Stephanie, :purplepansy:

I do remember how long that flu lasted for you last year. Good Lord,Honey. That was really horrible. It kept up it's strength the wholetime too. I was quite worried that you'd go into pneumonia.

I'm surprised, being pregnant, that you can get a flu shot...or willthe baby have been born by that point? Still if your nursing, can youget one?

I always try my luck without them. Last year, in America, what a scandal it was with getting flu shots! :foreheadsmack:

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Doc? :pinkpansy:

I need you to come "winterize" my place. When can I expect you?

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Trying to figure out a way to get me any my three over to Ariel's sinceshe's at the end of her winter, and we're just about to start ours.:ponder:

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Keep thinking about what you said BlueGiants.

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Thanks, everyone for noting the things you've seen on-the-move, likethe chipmunks, squirrels, the size of the nuts falling from the trees,the plums, etc. I do enjoy reading that.


Here the weather is all over the place.

This weekend we have 20C. Being an hour away from the mountains, it varies from day to day.

Lop has been moulting for the last 2 weeks, the others have only just started moulting.

It is still that warm here, I don't even need my heating on.

Autumn has really set in when I look at the trees. The colours are amazing this year.

I think we heading for a long winter like last time. It has already snowed in the mountains above 1,500 meters.

I Would like to saPam that even if you are insanethe way you have the staturary setup is just beautiful!I wish I had 1/10th of your creativetalents . with out giving too much away to yourhome I would love to see it wheneverything is in and all set up .
Neener neener. It's always warm and sunny here. :p

My parent in Montana are tired of my bragging, so I thought I'd do it here....
nose_twitch wrote:
Neener neener. It's always warm and sunny here. :p

My parent in Montana are tired of my bragging, so I thought I'd do it here....
That would be nice, but I'd think Christmas time would be weird if it were warm.

We don't get a lot of snow here, but when it happens around Christmas, it makes me so happy!


Kricket wrote:
I've never lived anywhere except Arizona.

My dad was transferred out of Arizona last year with his job - toKentucky! He hated having to buy winter clothes and a snowshovel. But he got such a kick out of his cats' reaction totheir first snow - they sat on the windowsill for hours watching thisweird stuff they had never seen before!:p
I'm going to ask my doctor about the flu shot.Doubt it's something I can get while pregnant. I'm due next monththough, so can probably hold out.

Wow, next month! :shock:

Find out if it's okay if you have it while you're nursing.

Next month???? :faint:I can't believe she's almost here!

nose_twitch wrote:
Neener neener. It's always warm and sunny here. :p

Too much sun fries people's brains.

Don'tcha know, cain'tya see?


Nah...seriously. Winter's the only season I don't care formuch. I'd rather go through it than tornados, earthquakes,and all the other things that go with the warmer areas. Takethe good with the bad, ey?


Oh yeah, I'll ask about that. If I can't get it,then I can't. I know it only protects against certain strains and thatno one knows what strain will hit an area.

And yeah, NEXT MONTH!!! So excited though, it's been a great pregnancy.

About winter, look at it this way. At least the snow and freezingweather kills off all the nasty bugs and stuff, like mosquitoes. Youhave to admit, it's nice not dealing with those things in the winter.
Carolyn wrote:
Doc? :pinkpansy:

I need you to come "winterize" my place. When can I expect you?



I'll see when I can fit you into my schedule -- how about Oct. 2009???? :cool:


I didn't think you could make it that soon!!


Stephanie wrote:
About winter, look at it this way. At least the snow andfreezing weather kills off all the nasty bugs and stuff, likemosquitoes. You have to admit, it's nice not dealing with those thingsin the winter.

Good Point! There's also something to be said forsnuggling! Gotta admit, I love being home and cooking a goodmeal during a snowstorm.

This weather is kind of crazy ive never seen itlike this before...luckily im keeping all the rabbits in the garage atthe new house this year so they will be plenty warm.
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Me too Carolyn, there's nothing better than sitting in frontof the fire watching a christmas film while it's snowingoutside!

No Doubt!

Or a football game that's being played in the snow. :)


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