Penny not eating as much as normal

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Better. Last night at10:15 she ate some parsley. I gave her more and she ate it during the night. This morning she ate some more parsley, cilantro and romaine (I rinsed it all first and left it pretty wet). She ate some more of this mixture this evening. She has been moving around more and this afternoon had some really mushy poos but this evening she has had some more normal looking ones and peed. Still not up to normal poop production, but definitely going in the right direction.

I gave her sub-q fluids again this morning but because she's eating now, I haven't done that any more today. I hope I don't regret that.

I'm going to give her some critical care this evening instead of the sub-q fluids and water it down with cranberry juice. I may even try to see if she will eat pumpkin. She took some apple from my son just a little while ago and is acting interested in things instead of hunched in the corner of her cage. If she has more progress overnight, I may not give sub-q fluids in the morning either unless anyone advice to the contrary. My thinking is that since she is acting more normal I will let her and maybe lower stress levels will help her as well.
Great! Im with you, I wouldnt bother stressing her with the SubQ if shes eating and drinking.

And Im working again tomorrow so if you need anything during the day let me know :)
I haven't actually seen her drinking nor does it look like anything is missing from her bowls. I'm going to refill them with fresh water again tonight and one with a water cranberry juice mix and see if she takes some. I did leave the veggies very wet when I gave them to her though.

If she's worse tomorrow I may have to try sub-q fluids again. If I do, wanna help? I'm hoping it won't be necessary though! (And if you are working you may not want to help. I went back to work this afternoon with hay on the back (don't ask me how) of my shirt. One of my co-workers picked it off and asked me where the heck I went at lunchtime!(lol)
I wouldn't go so far as to say this is resolved, but it looks like its heading in the right direction at least:). I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping:pray:

Penny is eating on her own now and has been pooping some. We still aren't back to normal in the amount she is eating or pooping and I'm still not offering pellets. She gets fresh, wet veggies several times a day, ateaspoon of pumpkintwice a dayand plenty of hay. I'm giving her fresh water twice a day and a separate bowl with a bit of water with a couple drops of cranberry juice in it (which she normally loves), but she's not drinking. I'm wondering is she is still too full of the sub-q fluids? She's still peeing, so I'm not worried about it yet. Tomorrow she will get her last two doses of reglan and then we'll be done.

The vet's office has been great and I've had at least daily conversations with them and got my questions answered. They want me to call again tomorrow and check in because they are closed on Sunday.

I'm so glad she's feeling better! It does take them a while to recover sometimes so don't worry too much about that. As long as she's eating and pooping.

I think we can say this is RESOLVED. (I hope) Penny has been off of medication since Saturday afternoon and is eating, drinking, pooping and peeing. YEAH! I even caught her doing a half binky last night.

I thought she wouldn't "speak" to me for quite awhile after all the poking, syringes of medicine, etc. but this morning she even came over and demanded a nice long ear rub! :)
Not really sure what to do with this rabbit! :faint:Advice please.

As you can see from the thread it says resolved but last Wednesday evening I noticed she hadn't eaten as much, left some greens even and wasn't pooping as much, AGAIN. This is how it all started. I gave her more metacam thinking maybe it was her teeth after all and then about an hour later, gave her simethicone just in case. Thursday she ate some and acted better but to be safe I called an made a vet appointment with a dentist expert but the soonest I could get it is for tomorrow (Tues) morning. So Thursday-Sat. she had metacam and has continued to eat and poop and act fine. I haven't given her metacam since Saturday and all day yesterday and again this morning she is acting normal. She's eating pellets the minute I set them down, ate a normal amount of hay, etc. BUT, she's not doing any bunny 500's or binkies like normal. She hops around the room but not quite normal.

Could Saturday's metacam still be working or is she really feeling better? Do I cancel the teeth appointment? (It's an hour drive in each direction with her.) Even if there is something still going on, would it be teeth if she's now eating normally? Any ideas - maybe she's just trying to drive me crazy? :pullhair:

Hmm very strange. I think it probably isnt her teeth if shes eating fine now and doesnt appear to be in any pain. It could have been a little gas resurfacing- it does take a while for their GI tracts to regulate after stasis/gas.

If it were me I think I would cancel the appt and see how she does over the next few days. If shes eating and pooping now I wouldnt really be concerned- the lack of binkies could just be totally random (or stress related from weather change?)
maybe she's just trying to drive me crazy? :craziness
:runningrabbit:So now that I've posted again, made an appointment and worried some more, she's doing binkies all around the sunroom and looking like a clown, which is very normal. I'll be cancelling my appt. :foreheadsmack:Still Resolved I guess.