I personally don't like to feed any of that stuff. Seed sticks, honey sticks, and other packaged junk food. Yogie drops are really bad because I've read rabbits are lactose intolerant. Plus they are just sugar! Carrots, though they are a veggie, are in the treat category. Carrots contain so much sugar that bunnies will eat themselves silly, but it's just going to make them chubs.
The alfalfa/timothy pellet debate goes on, but honestly, it's such a small part of rabbit dietthat it might not be worth it to obsess over it unless your bunny has health problems with excess calcium (in which case you'd avoid the alfalfa). For hay, it is best to feed a grass hay. Alfalfa is a legume, and it's sweet and high in calcium. Buns'll eat it because it's yummy, but a grass hay like timothy is higher in fiber content and lower in calcium.
Fruits are definitely a treat - high in sugar
For a 1 year old bun of medium size (around 5lbs), 1/4 cup of plain pellets a day is about as much as they should have. I feed my 4 and 5 lb buns only about 1/8 cup of pellets because I give them big big salads twice a day. Remember, pellets are only a supplement to make sure the bun is getting all the nutrients they need. House bunnies who are fed a good variety of food typically don't need a lot of supplementary pellets. House rabbits are also way less active than rabbits in the wild, so they don't burn as many calories. House rabbits can gain weight by overfeeding pellets very quickly.
That said, the individual bun does have something to do with it. I can feed my bunny Toby a cup of pellets and leave him be for 4 days. He'll pick at it when he wants to. But if I give Kirby a cup of pellets, he'll shove it all in his mouth in an afternoon. Some bunnies know when to stop and some don't -- that's really up to them. I habitually restrict pellets for everybunbecause I have one bun who really needs boundaries.