"Peg's Place" - the Adventures & Misadventures of all the buns here

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LuvaBun wrote:
OK, Lambykins just have to have the smuggest look on her face that she is sitting in your chair on your purse :D

Great news about Wedge. Hopefully the Pen-G shots have done the trick :)

Actually - she's pretty upset cause she's NOT in my chair. She's in the trash...on my pocketbook.

Its the softest thing she could find and I wouldn't let her have my chair.

I love your blog Peg! :D

I also love Jenny! What a beautiful big girlie! And Minnie! She is so pretty - I'm really pleased she's getting better.
Love the pics! Whose the lionhead babe in the lower right of your signature?

Also, Ori isnt neutered, is he? lol


Haley wrote:
Love the pics! Whose the lionhead babe in the lower right of your signature?

Also, Ori isnt neutered, is he? lol

The lionhead in the lower right - next to Zeus? That is Bandita...she is a sister to Splash (who lives with Zeus).

Ori IS neutered - he got neutered in ... June or July? I knew we were getting him so I sent Zin money for his neutering - it didn't seem fair that she should have to pay for that since he was coming here. I even made sure to send extra so he could get pain meds....which he got.

I felt so bad because I got to see him on Zin's webcam (her holding him) a day or two after he was neutered and it was obvious he still wasn't quite himself..just a bit quiet, etc. I sat here and bawled my eyes out - to know "my guy" was hurting - even in spite of having meds.

I gotta share a cute story about Jenny. A bit ago, Robin was sweeping out her pen - she was actually sweeping stuff to the edge of the pen (till we could bring in a bucket and get the sweepings) - and what does Jenny do? She starts pushing it back INTO her cage.

So Robin sweeps it back - then she puts some food in Jenny's cage...

You've got it - Jenny swept her "crap" back over her food and then got upset with us because we were not happy with her.

We got her NEW food and put it further in - around the corner of her "L" shaped cage - so she'd have a harder time putting her sweepings over it..

Ali - at one time I probably would've been willing to rehome Jenny- now I can't picture letting her go.

Her son was Jenson - who Amy loved.
WARNING: The first video may seem disturbing to someone who has not seen a wry neck bunny that isn't doing well. The second video shows Wedge about 15 minutes later- after he's woken up a bit and has had about 1/2 ounce of water and is wanting to eat. In the first video - he is like a rag doll.

More to come later...but for now..

I wrote this in the Bunny Chat area but thought I'd post it here for mom to keep in her blog too..

[line]I've been thinking about writing this for some time - but it meant leaving the garage to the girls for a bit while I came into the office to sit and type it out. It also meant putting up with the girls in the office who kept going on and on about my stud-lyness and how awesome I am. I decided it was worth it though to come on here and share tips for other bucks who might be living with more than one doe.

You know - it can be hard enough living with one doe and meeting her needs - you know - the incessant need for grooming - for listening to her talk all day about what she wants out of life - how she wants to share all of her thoughts iwth you....all the time. Yada Yada Yada...the list goes on and on.

Yet if you bring another doe into the area - it can be risky. What if the does don't get along? What if they ALL want to talk to you all the time?

When Tibba and I first moved in together in the garage...it was hard. All she wanted to do was talk...talk...talk. Her dreams...her life before me...she wanted me to know her history - and EVERYTHING about her. Let me tell you - she almost had BOTH ears drooping cause she talked so darn much.

But then Splash decided to join us. What a relief it was to have silence 'cause Tibba was off kicking Splash's rear. I was able to go to my corner and sleep in peace. Sure - at times I was woken up by the does yelling at each other and threatening to kick each other's butts....but at least I could turn around and put my head in the corner and go back to sleep.

The two does were barely getting along with Leona decided to join us. It was great because now Tibba had defend her turf against two girls....and she would get so tired out that she'd sleep sometimes for at least half an hour at a time - and I had SILENCE. Well....ok.....there were some little snores.

The other girls took that time to sleep too....so it was wonderful. I could even hop around the garage and survey my surroundings and find new hiding places for when we play "hide and seek" aka "Leave the big boy alone".

The girls are adapting well to living in my garage. Tibba claims me as hers most of the time. Now she talk to the girls about her dreams and her life and they all chat back and forth - even if it is YELLING from opposite ends of the garage and I frequently hear "Oh yeah? Well I never did that....I did this instead..".

I've learned that my best response to the girls is "Whatever you want dear..." if it is Tibba or "Whatever Tibba says is fine with me" if its Splash or Leona.

Of course - I do have to take times when Tibba is napping to groom Splash and Leona and whisper sweet nothings in their ears. So far - they haven't gone to Tibba with what I've said (I think) as I'm still alive. Well...ok....so Splash did tell something to Tibba - but I was able to deny it vehemently and Tibba believed me.

So my advice to the bucks who are thinking about living with more than one doe is this:

Let the does fight among themselves to see who is dominant and then favor the dominant one. Spend sometimes with the lower ones on the dominant list - because you need to remember - they may become dominant some day.

And do lots of listening and little speaking.....and find good hidey hole spots where you can put your head in a corner and tell them to "speak to the butt and I'll get back to you later".

Back to my girls....although I gotta say - it sure is nice to have these office girls paying me such nice attention. Maybe a bit more grooming and I'll head back...

I just posted this in the main RO forum but I HAVE to post it here too...

First of all - its that time of year when my rabbits moult - badly. The last two weeks have seen weather changes and they've all started to blow their coats. Unfortunately - when you have a lot of moulting rabbits in the same room - the fur just flows....(this weekend I'm doing a lot of grooming).

So I'm hesitant to show the pictures because of all the fur you're going to see...but I think y'all might enjoy this.

I was on the phone w/ my mom when Art told me to come and bring my camera...this doe was on the TOP of the cages - meaning - Art had to get up on a chair to reach up and get her down.

Here's my little monkey girl:





I think she wanted to see what it would be like to be a dust bunny.

Now to go back to cleaning cages and getting all that fur down - its amazing how you don't realize how bad it is till you see it in pictures!

Its sorta hard to post these next pictures - because whenever I think of Harry its always "Harry and Hyacinth" and of course - she passed away a few weeks ago.

Harry was starting to sneeze and sounded like he was getting pneumonia - so he moved to the hospital (in my bedroom). Here are some pics of him..





Some of you may remember that Harry was nicknamed "Stud Muffin" cause all the girls liked to crowd around his cage.

Well...the morning after he was put in my room - I was woken up by thumping. I yelled and said, 'Harry ... stop it" cause I just KNEW it had to be him.

WRONG. Art had been watching and he said, "That black girl (Gloria) is sitting by his pen and thumping at Harry...its not his fault."

I guess the stud muffin still has it..

Here's a couple of videos..



I'm going to post Art's birthday cake pictures here...even though they have nothing to do w/ bunnies. Its hard to believe he's turned 50...



I keep meaning to post almost every day - if only to update my blog for myself...oh well.

First of all - some good news (not about bunnies). Today we got a letter from Allstate - we used to have our house insurance through them. I dread opening it - wondering if we owe them more or what....turns out it is a REFUND check for $70. I guess they had something that the state of Texas made them do refunds to some people....

I'm so glad I didn't delay opening the envelope.

Now...what else. Oh - I don't have pictures of her - but for the last 24 hours or so - Popcorn has been in my bedroom - just to get some playtime. Man - I forgot how much fun it was to have her around and loose. Unfortunately - after short periods of time she "doesn't play well with others" and so as soon as she starts fights - she has to go back to her cage....but she's been pretty good. She LOVED her banana this morning (the rabbits in the bedroom usually get banana in the morning).

Speaking of banana - I was getting ready for work this morning and was all dressed and stuff - and came back into the bedroom with the two bananas to split between my "sickies" and Miss Bea. Art had been snoozing but he woke up enough to watch me and he said, "You really enjoy spoiling these ones with the bananas...don't you?"

I smiled and was like, "Yes...I do..".

Funny thing is - these guys don't know that compared to the rabbits in the rabbitry and office - they're spoiled. They just think banana is part of their normal daily requirement...

And now for some pictures of Zeus....aka Zeusy. I've been worried about him because his fur has become so coarse...so some of these pictures are to show his coat...







Can you tell that he's not really happy with me?

Yep - really not happy....


Peg, I may be off on this one, but I wonder if it's a "white bunny" thing. I say that because Alaska's coat look IDENTICAL to Zeus' right now. Her's feels a little course too. I'll take some pics of her coat and put them in my blog so you can see it. The second picture of Zeus especially....his fur is doing the exact same thing as Alaska's.
I think the molt is scaring me because Tiny went through a horrendous molt right before he died - to the point that someone asked about it the week before he died...and I was like, 'I wanted to have pictures of him 'cause you never know what can happen..." never suspecting how ill he was...

I did spend some time today trying to be friendly to Zeus and build a relationship. However- he wasn't thrilled about the idea at all - he wanted to go back to HIS garage and off my bed.

I may take a blanket or something out to the garage and sit on it...I don't know.

I am in such trouble with Isenstar today - I'm getting the butt big time.

But here is the situation - I'm sure y'all will take my side - right?

Issy got out of her cage last night shortly before I went to bed. Art came into the bedroom from watering the office bunnies and said, "Is there supposed to be a bunny in the middle cage by your desk?" I said, "Yes" and he said, "Girl or boy?"

You see...Isenstar has Miss Bea's old cage - which means we'd removed the door so she could go in and out as she pleased. We eventually used a NIC panel for a door and a clip to close it - but when we moved the cage on top of another cage by my desk - I decided to leave my desk door open with the NIC panel laying on it - and a solid NIC panel on top of that. This way - Issy has a "porch" or "balcony" or whatever to come out onto.

She's gotten on my desk before - but never on the floor - and just recently - Lambykins (one of the floor bunnies) has started going up into her cage for short periods to get a drink of water or check out her food or just sit and be neighborly.

I wonder if Lamby invited Issy to the floor - I don't know - all that I know is that Issy got out of her cage....

Well - since Audrey can be MEAN at times - I didn't want Issy on the floor when I couldn't be here to monitor them - so Robin came in last night and caught her (she's too fast for me) and then I did the unthinkable.

I LOCKED HER CAGE DOOR so she'd stay in her cage.

That's right - I locked her in...I closed the door - took away her porch...and she had to stay in her cage till I got home from work a few minutes ago.

Now she won't look at me or make eye contact with me - or even go after her craisin I offered as a bribe...uh....peace offering.

She keeps giving me the butt too (normally she faces out and watches me).

The funny thing is- Saphira who is on top of Issy...gave me a dirty look and gave me the butt too - and I hadn't done anything to her.

Oh well...
Saphira is giving you preventative maintenance butt! ;)

You are such a meanie! Locking that bunny in her cage! How rude!

I know I'm a meanie - now Zeus is mad at me.

We let him go play outside for about half an hour or so (with the camera in my hand of course) and now we brought him in.


The pictures are uploading now -wait till you see the ones of him up in the tree (don't worry - he was perfectly safe).

I can hardly wait to get done editing them and post them...

First of all - I've been having a bit of a crying spell today. When I was taking pictures of Zeus, I couldn't help thinking, "This should be Tiny....Tiny always loved to come outside....I never took enough pictures of him....but Tiny loved the outdoors and I want HIM here with me...".

I thought I'd be ok when it came time to edit the pictures...but naw...I'm still in tears a bit.

Unfortunately - I have over 50 pictures to share...so I'm going to break this up into a few posts...

Zeus in a tree..








While you can not see him - Art is behind him the whole time (just off to the side) and the tree is such that it has a nice solid perch....(I'd love to get Miss Bea in the tree and see how the shots turn out).

Some of the girls who wanted to spend time with Zeus...




Nameless Broken tort doe




Grumpyface (don't know her name right off)



But I WANNA get out and go see Zeus...

He's a mighty fine looking buck....

Who needs a buck when you're cute like me?

Kiwi - who has a gorgeous mane...

Maybe we can use the lawnmower to break outta here...

Kiwi: Mom...I still don't understand - why can't I go be with Zeus?

"I don't think you're very nice..."

"ooh look....I need to help daddy fix the lawn mower..."

"We're not speaking to you..."

Zeus: "So why do you feel you should be in my harem again? I'll give Tibba your name and tell her you're applying..."


"What are you girls saying?"

"You can't see me behind this planter...."

"Me & My Shadow"

"Sometimes ya gotta stop and smell the grass..."

"You called?"

Bunny butt time


"Here I come" (special note: Zeus got one side dirty in the garage when he was playing behind some old cages that were a bit rusty and yucky. He's fine).



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