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- News coverage, Presidential speeches, or caucus crap running over into my TV shows' time slots when they are NEW. Try watching Grey's in an election year!!!!

- M&Ms where the Ms are missing. How do I know it's not a Skittle?!

- Leaving the empty toilet roll on the holder and setting a new roll of toilet paper on the back of the toilet.

- People who can't say "excuse me", "please", or "thank you".

- The black vs. African American thing. One is a race, one is an ethnicity. Basic sociology and NO ONE can get it. I can get so worked up over that one.

- Texting in the movie theatre. It's a lit screen!!!

- Smoking. Period.

- People who don't use turn signals or use them improperly.

- Wet sneakers. And wet jeans.

- When people make movie predictions out loud WHILE you're watching the movie. And they're right. It's annoying. Let's WATCH and SEE, you know? Or when people blurt out the ending. We went to see a movie and before the previews even started someone yells "THEY ALL DIE!" And then they did. Grrrrr.

- People who can't take a pot/weed joke. Maybe I watch a lot of stoner movies (I loves me some Judd Apatow) but you know what... It's funny. It's a joke. I'm not smoking a joint or leaving roaches in the ash tray. This probably goes for most off beat jokes.

- "That's what she said" jokes that don't make sense. If you're going to say it, make it funny and not awkward or completely "whaat?"

- People who go "Why do you have rats as pets?" Why do you have a dog? Why do you eat a bagel for breakfast?

- People who fart and don't say anything. Everyone does it, but some warning or a heads up would be nice.

- Teeth grinding.

- They're, their, there. They are NOT INTERCHANGEABLE. Neither are to, two, and too or your and you're.

- When people think a lot is one word. My dad does this. He also spells hamster with a p.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha some of these are funny.

well my pet peeves in no particular order

people who are late (i am a time freak)

people who dont walk their dogs on a leash and the dog approaches me or my dogs

people who dont pick up their dog poop!!!!!!!

People who let their cats out to poop and pee all over my property and things, or to get killed in the street so i have to drive by and get sad.

people who's kids are out of control, i have four kids and they dont act like nuts and if they do they get corrected so it drives me insane when people act like they are on another planet and dont see what there kids are doing.

People who kill animals

people who litter, ugh wait to you get home to throw it away.

people who throw there cigarette buts out there car window

people who text constantly, my cousin comes over , she is a teenager, and texts the whole time during dinner and visiting, annoying!!!!!!!

people who yell at the top of thier lungs to be heard on the cell phone.

People who race up and down my street with thier quads at night

people who think they know everything

most people in general are my pet peeve,lol
Brandy456 wrote:
- People who think their 'all that and a mars bar'
-People who don't control their kids in public

- People who say the F word every 2 words
- People who don't clean the sink after they brush their teeth

^ I agree with them.. and I have a few of my own...

  • Racist People
  • People who stereotype I DON'T want to be in a group thank you very much.. everyone is DIFFERENT.. don't put me in a certain group! :X
  • People who never give others a chance..
  • When people think I'm stupid because I like Michael Jackson
  • People that say I'm quiet!
  • When things just aren't lined up right!
    We have these stickers on our school books that say our targets on and some teachers have stuck them on wonky! Its driving me insane! :X
This list could go on forever...
-People that take their dogs to the dog park when their dog isn't friendly or well behaved. I bring my dog there to have fun, not to be attacked by your dog.

-When strangers come up to me and ask how tall I am or if I play basketball. I know I"m tall(i'm 6'4") I don't need strangers reminding me all day. Although once I did answer "and how much do you weight" when someone asked me "how tall are you" and they got all offended. It was pretty funny. People are such idiots.

-When people dont' answer your emails or when they do reply they dont' answer your questions.
1. when people watch one of my movies (i have a dvd album) and they don't bother puttting my movie back in the cas ewhere it belongs(each slot is labeled where the movie goes_its easier for me to keep track of which movie is missing)

2. people wjo call me and then a minute later they have to go... if you can't talk why call(my friend does this alot)

3.I have a bill notebook and I plan out what bills get payed on which payday and hubby comes along and messes my schedule up and I have to go and refigure everything...
4. I have a home office/moms room... everyone now whats to hang out in it(because its moms room and mom is not allowed to have anything on her own)

5. people who bring their own ashtrays to your house so they can smoke.. even though you tell them no smoking in your house because your daughter has athsma... I had a friend who used to do this and I would have to tell her something... she no longer comes over.

6.people who lets kids do what ever just so they don't have to deal with them
BethM wrote:
Pekoe wrote:
NorthernAutumn wrote:
My #1 killer peeve is disrespect for food... spitting it out, complaining about it, not finishing whats on the plate.

I have to agree with this! Especially if I am making a big meal and somebody decides to eat something right beforehand, while I am standing there making this food. Pickiness about food is a HUGE pet peeve for me.

LOL! I'm SUPER picky about food. Sorry, but I think it's more disrespectful to lie about liking something I just don't like. And I try to be very healthy about my food choices, so I also won't eat something that's outright unhealthy, or goes against my preferred food choices.

I actually get annoyed when people eat everything on their plates, even if they're already full. Especially when they lay around later complaining that they ate too much.

This world would certainly not be as interesting as it is if everybody was the same =P.

And perhaps you're right about lying. If somebody is strongly opposed to eating something of course I'll indulge (i.e. I have a vegetarian friend).
Pekoe wrote:
This world would certainly not be as interesting as it is if everybody was the same =P.

And perhaps you're right about lying. If somebody is strongly opposed to eating something of course I'll indulge (i.e. I have a vegetarian friend).
I agree, things would be pretty boring if we were all exactly the same! :)

I once told someone I loved some cookies that I actually thought were terrible, but she kept giving me more and more of these awful things. Then I felt bad she'd been wasting these things on me, and thinking I liked them when I didn't. She ended up moving away, so I got out of it after awhile. But I don't lie to anyone about food anymore. I'd be angry if I was on the other side of it. :)

I'm probably also sensitive on this, as I'm in the process of going vegetarian, so I know I'll be the one sitting there not eating anything at the holidays this year.
I don't really mind if someone doesn't care for something, as I can work around it. Like Beth just mentioned, I've been on the opposite side too often (slaving away over meal to have someone dismiss it out of hand, without even trying it).

I'd be happy to make something really awesome and vegetarian for ya Beth... come visit! wouldn't bother me to put in the effort.
I just feel sad when it's summarily rejected with little appreciation. (Can certainly appreciate how my dad must have felt, cooking for us while we were growing up... very discouraging)
NorthernAutumn wrote:
I don't really mind if someone doesn't care for something, as I can work around it. Like Beth just mentioned, I've been on the opposite side too often (slaving away over meal to have someone dismiss it out of hand, without even trying it).

I'd be happy to make something really awesome and vegetarian for ya Beth... come visit! wouldn't bother me to put in the effort.
I just feel sad when it's summarily rejected with little appreciation. (Can certainly appreciate how my dad must have felt, cooking for us while we were growing up... very discouraging)
Thanks Autumn, you're awesome!
I will say, even though I'm picky, I do (almost) always try things, and I try to be as polite as possible if I don't like something. I guess I would also be annoyed if someone spit food out, complained, or didn't even bother to taste something.

It's funny, as picky as I am, I love things a lot of my friends can't stand. Curry, sushi, asparagus.
People who walk around the store and are either so consumed with their cellphone conversation or texting that they continually get in my way and do not say excuse me, or they do not control their child. Particularly when they let a very small child trail behind them several several feet ..where they could be snatched, or if it's a parking lot, run over.

People who are excessively loud in restaurants. If I am paying good money to dine, then you, Buffy Skippy and Susan, can use your inside voices, and furthermore, take MySpace pics with your bright flashes, OUTSIDE.

People who judge me based on body piercings, Tattoo's and haircolor.. they don't see the intelligent educated person behind all of it.

GoinBackToCali wrote:
People who judge me based on body piercings, Tattoo's and haircolor.. they don't see the intelligent educated person behind all of it.

People who are not afraid to express themselves are very interesting to me.

I understand what you're saying, I really do. Most of my x-gf's were "alternative" chicks, like you, :p
1) Chewing like a cow
2) Telling me I talk white
3) People who think they know it all
4) People who dump thier problems on others
5) People who say and do things just to see how others react

All I can think of for now.
Yeah Jade, I agree, especially when they are trying to make someone mad on purpose. My boyfriend only does it to his friend Stephanie, I don't know why but it makes me really upset every time he does it (and kinda embarrassed) and his whole group of friends do that to her, they think it's because she gets 'upset too easily' but she actually has a lot of family problems that she isn't open about, there's more to a person than what you're going to see superficially.

Another pet peeve of mine is parents who sit around and get drunk or high or whatever all day while their children are running around. I went to a superbowl party at my boyfriend's old apartment building and his friend's parents had people over and their little children were trying to play with a ball and they were sitting around getting high and drunk getting angry when the ball got near them or the table, when their smoke and obscene phrases were more damaging then some children playing with a ball.

Any time I see a parent say really condescending and insulting things to their children, do you not realize the psychological damage that could cause someone? If their own parents are saying that, of course they're going to take it to heart.

When I'm in public with someone, like a restaurant and they just want to leave a mess, or they cause a mess. Can't you see things from the worker's perspective?

After working at Kroger, it infuriates me how people just push carts out in the parking lot in the middle of traffic or up on the grass or in the middle of the store! How hard is it honestly to push a cart and put it away? When I worked at Krogers the doorway was connected / the entrance and exit had a room where you can put your cart away as you're leaving and grab one as you're coming in, I don't know how many times people would just throw them in the room and it would get so crowded with carts that people couldn't get through, and as I'd be pushing them together, some idiot would smile at me as they just leave it there. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

When anyone disrespects my house or when I'm at someone's house and someone else there is disrespecting that person's things, what the hell is wrong with you?

When people continue smoking a cigarette to go see my Sugar Gliders. Um, hello? Wouldn't you at least ask before just assuming that they can magically breathe through toxic flaming smokey air?

When people get animals that they have no idea how to raise/take care of. A great example of this is pitbulls, people think because they were bred for fighting strength that that automatically means that beating the **** out of your dog until it's pissed off is "playing". Dogs are supposed to be companions that love you, not animal slaves that fear you

Anyone that thinks "beat their ass" is the solution to any problem

People who don't use turn signals, like mentioned above. Seriously? You think people are just going to know where you're going? I see people pull that crap on the express way all the time, probably the worst place to be doing that

Whenever I meet someone who 'hates the cops' 'scared of the cops', drivers who 'turn off' if there's a cop behind them. My boyfriend drives an ex-FBI crown vic so we see people being idiots thinking that we're cops all the time. Turning into businesses, gas stations, or people outside stopping whatever they are doing and just staring. Wow, MAKE IT OBVIOUS. You shouldn't be speeding or whatever in the first place. The cops enforce these laws to protect decent people from getting hit by an idiot drunk who thinks "I can drive no matter how ****** up I am"

People who don't learn from their mistakes, and just repeat them over and over again. I apply this more to putting themselves in danger than relationships, though relationships can put you in danger.

When I see someone ignoring phone calls from someone who is their friend or something, that's just shady and a huge turnoff.

When two people are suffering from and eating disorder and rather than helping each other get help, they help each other lose weight. I had a group of girlfriends this happened to and I was so worried about them, but they wouldn't take me seriously because they had each other who "truly understood" when really they were just both giving into their disorder together rather than fighting it

When I mention any interest and people go out of their way to say that it sucks or if someone's reasons for not liking is simply because other people don't like it. People like different things, have different tastes, it's a part of life. Get over it, you don't have to convert everyone to your opinion blah.

Maybe I'd add more when i think of more lol, I like brainstorming
:biggrin2: I am guilty of a lot of things you guys have peeves of. Strangely enough some of my peeves are of people who have peeves of things I do. That made no sense. :ponder:

People with no manners, people not controlling their kids, people who feel the need to have obscenly loud conversations and arguments when they're out for tea (I've been at the offending table and I wanted to go up to everyone and personally apologise for my mums stupid boyfriend and my step grandma's appalling behaviour and ruining their night out at a expensive restaurant!)

And my biggest one is people not having the correct child restraint or any restraint in that matter. Prime example my Mum's boyfriends kids are4 and 6, the four year old whos tiny like TINY (wears size 2 clothes) is in a half polyestyrene booster!!!! She still SHOULD be in a five point restraint and could still be rear facing! And the Tiny (wears size 4 clothes)6 year old who minimum should be in actual full car seat! but daddy thinks he's a big boy so doesnt need one :shock:They're children and theydon't know the dangers but there father does and should protect them, they will SAVE their lives if in an accident so why take the risk?!:X
I have one guy and he's my peeve...

He is such an idiot and tries to come across as a nice guy but he's always a real dick. He thinks he can do something and then fails at it. ARGH he's hated by everyone but because one of the people puts up with him, we all put up with him. Now I know I should be nice and I am, I'm caring I help everyone, BUT EVEN BUDDHA ONLY FORGIVES SOMEONE THREE TIMES.

Here's just one of them, every time he comes over to my place he uses my bathroom, now I don't mind people using my bathroom, I don't mind the lid being left up (I prefer to sit down to do my business, that way no matter how tired/drunk/whatever I am, I can't miss). But when he comes to my place there is always urine splattered all around the floor and on the walls, the kid can't aim.

Plus whenever he does anything he uses an excuse for it, 'Oh I have aspergers' 'Oh I have ADHD it's not my fault', so fricking what if you've got a problem, you learn to deal with it, I have ADHD, OCD and a multitude of other problems. I don't use it as an excuse, I know how hard it is, medication didn't work for me, I flipped out on it. But I took the hours to learn how to control myself. He didn't, he takes medication but he still uses at as an excuse.

He's the son of a pharmacist, works in a pharmacy. He moves boxes, he cleans things up. He tried to claim he acts as a Dispense Tech. He spent an hour lying trying to say that he does that, while I kept saying that a Dispense Tech deals with the dispensing of drugs and that a) you need to be responsible and know what you're doing and b) you need to be certified to do it and that he's only been 18 for the past 4 months, not long enough to get certified. Finally he gave up and claimed that he meant he was working in the loading dock the entire time.

ARGH! We all hate him...
Sorry that I rant, but this kid... It's gotten to the point where we don't invite him to parties. He met one of my closest friends and spent three hours trying to put me down to make him seem cool in her eyes. She puts me down heaps, but she's my best friend and she has the right to. While i hate him.

Anyway they talked for a couple of days and all he did the entire time was sell out all of his friends, insult all of us and try to make himself seem really cool. She then asked him why he wasn't going to a party (which we intentionally didn't invite him to, because we hate him so much) and he said "I'm not really a party guy so I turned down the invitation" and she was like 'Oh, because David said you weren't invited' and he was like 'Hell no, I was invited I turned it down because I don't like going out, David's lying.' after that she just blocked him. Three days of talking to him and she already hated him.

I'm done


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