Pebbles Pictures

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SweetPeasMommie wrote:
she looks just like a wild rabbit that just had babies

There's nothing wild about Pebbles.

She would miss her clean dishes and papaya tablets. :D
Spoiled Bunny. :disgust:


Rainbows! :bunnydance:
I hear you. I sure miss having MeatHead, and Abby around. MeatHead turned one on june 3rd/

He is up there already. I am sure pebbles would miss all of that. If she don't get em she would go :mad:
A Portrait of Pebbles.

Nothing like having a picture of yourself in your own cage.


Which is my good side?


Got to have a closer look.




Thank you... Thank you very much.


Rainbows! :camera
I must say.. I have a feeling Pebbles is getting treated WAY better than me! Better food.. Yummy treats.. HER OWN PORTRAIT.. hmm Can you say- spoiled? :D. Aww but she deserves every piece of it :D.

Hehe that's so cute! Your camera is wonderful :D. Do you have a printing dock? Or do you just take it in to get it developed? I want a few large sized pictures of my girls, but I'm just wondering if they can be done at Wal-mart or london drugs. :?

:hearts:Give her a nice big cuddle for mee! :D

Spring wrote:
Do you have a printing dock? Or do you just take it in to get it developed?

I send my pictures to a local Camera Shop via the web, and they process the prints within three days.
The largest prints I've done so far was 12 X18.

Rainbows! :)
OMG, that has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Watch out Hollywood Pebbles is coming.

Just curious, how did you pick her name. You couldn't have chosen a better one.

Definitely on my bunny napping list.

LuvaBun wrote:
That is the sweetest thing. And is Pebbles kissing her portrait????? I guess she approves of your photography :D

Or she approves of herself. :biggrin

(Sorry Pebbles, just joking!) :humour (We love you too!) :inlove:

I still think that the pic is what PB used to base his perfectlittle Stepford bunny on when her built her. :nod

:goodjob PB!!

sas:rollseyes:and the not-so-perfect gang of fur :bunny17:bunnydance::toastingbuns:bunny24
Hehehe,Pebbles says.." Mwahh,damm i'm gorgeous" lol


Like Pipp said,i think Pebbles really does approve of herself

Tsk,Pebbles is such a girl lol


Pipp wrote:
(Sorry Pebbles, just joking!) :humour (We love you)

She's going to grab a box of Lindt's Chocolate and a big tub of Rocky Road Ice Cream.....
And run away with Pipp. Because she loves Pipp. :toastingbuns

Rainbows! :wiggle
The making of aSignature, with thehelp of Pinksalamander.


Some of the pictures I included.....





THANK-YOU Pinksalamander! :bouquet:

It turned out better than I thought it would!!!


Hmmmm, Cananda is a long way to go for a bunny napping mission! Maybe I could visit my sister in BC, hop on a plane in the other direction, grab Pebbles and be back at my sisters in a few days, before she notices I am missing, lol!

I don't supposed Pebbles wants to visit the UK?