Pebbles continues to improve. If not for the Head Tilt, she would be very much herself. There is lots of poops (on the smaller side) and she is peeing regularly. I think she is avoiding the hay, because she is filling herself up with the extra oats and alfalfa pellets. She is turning up her nose to her regular Martins and Oxbow pellets, but when it comes to treats, Pebbles still goes crazy for them. I give her Nutrical just to be sure she gets her nutritional supplements. Right now she is munching on some fresh crispy Bean Sprouts.
Some really good ideas have come up about feeding Critical Care. I just want to be prepared should I ever need it. I always haveCritical Careon hand but never had to open the package. The last package, I gave it away before it expired. And the one I have now is good till 12/09.
For syringes, I have all the sizes.

The largest one is 2 oz (60 ml). :shock: That size is larger than a shotgun casing. :foreheadsmack:
But when I hear Jan or Cheryl squirting food up the wall and roof or in their sons face, I want tolook for a better and gentler way to put food in our babies.
Bunnydude, with all this fretting about feeding Critical Care, Pebbles would probably eat it off a spoon. I know she licks the syringe when I give the medicine.
Carolyn, yes a baster would be too large, especially for Pebbles delicate mouth. Even the Ketchup squeeze bottles with the pouring tips would be difficult for the small amount of food you would feed.
If I do mix Critical Care, I would use warm water and let it sit for the mix to firm up.
But you gave me a great idea about cutting the tip for a wider opening. My idea is to take the smallest syringe (1 ml) and cut the tip right off so you only have the barrel and plunger left for feeding. This way there is no squirting or pressure behind the tip, but you can still push food into a rabbits mouth. Haven't tried it yet, but will let you know when I experiment with it.
Jan, I will wait another day to see how better Pebbles get. But I hate whenweekends come around when most Vets are closed. I have to get some more Bean Sprouts for you.