Linz_1987 wrote:
I did mean that picture, but is the field right next to your house?
Also the trout pond, is that part of your garden/land?
I love your bunnie pictures too. Petey looks so cute.
In most of the pictures it looks like Petey is whispering into Peapoo's ear hehehe
I love it when lops do bunny flops. Their ears just go so crazy.
our big field (not pictured) is right in front of our front yard...ifthat makes sense...then at the bottom of the hill is the barn...out tothe right is that field that he's in and our trout pond... in thatpicture of him, the trout pond is to my right...then the other field isacross the road to the sounds really confusing we have about 8 acres i not sure... my"garden'' (if thats what you want to call it) is up atourhouse...
its hard to explain...soheres pics...
here's the front yard...the barn is down at the bottom of the can see the roof
another view from the front yard
mookie's fenced in backyard (he runs of in the woods)
heres the road/driveway to the barn
heres a view from the driveway of the side yard/field
this is standing at the barn facing left
standing at the barn facing can barely see the pond to the right of the barn in the second pic..
the grass in the first pic was up past my
the pond
the trout in the pond.kind of hard to see, but they are there
trout feeding..this is why we call them piranhas...theres about 200 or more of them
heres some of the creek,honeysuckles, and ferns
and finally heres some of the "gardens" at the house...they look badbecause we havent worked on them yet, but theyll be better later
the elephant ears just coming up
moms rose bush
and some others
we definately live in the middle of nowhere