Peapoo&Petey are gone

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OMG this is too much .....
I really loved peapoo and petey
I'll never forget how I told you to wash the liquid soap off of Peapoo

I am heartbroken
I can't believe this either.

OMG how upsetting..........

I'm so, so sorry. I'd make something better, but my eyes are blurring with tears and I can't see to well at the moment. Rest in peace beautiful buns.

:tears2: Oh my gosh, I'm just seeing this now....

I'm sad (But fortunate) to say that most of the rabbits that are mentioned on this section of the forum I have never known in life... But I remember Peapoo and Petey, and how you loved them, and I'll miss them too :( It shocked me to see that they were both gone so suddenly....

But I can say that they will be remembered, even when this thread grows old and hearts heal :hug2:
There's even a rabbit on the packaging of a line of rabbit cages that looks almost just like Peapoo (I saw them at PetsMart and Petco).. So every time I pass by one of those cages, I'll remember them both :hug:

~Diana and Butter
:tears2:I am sure that was as hard for you to post as for me to read. I just saw the video and it was beautiful. :bigtears:You were a great bun mother. Do not blame you self. If you ever want to talk my PM box is open:hug1

Binky free Peapoo and Petey:rainbow:
Oh my...I'm so sorry for your loss...this is a huge loss to RO.

And that video is touching. I was crying like a baby.:cry1: What a tribute to two very loved buns.

Binky free buns. I'll be praying for them as well as you and your family. :pray:
that rabbit is similar to peapoo..i was in petsmart today buying crickets and bird stuff.. I looked at bunnies today, but didnt bring any home...i dont think ill get another anytime soon...its still to hard. we have two new birds that need alot of attention right now anyways..a parakeet and a quaker parrot.

thanks again for everyones kind words.. they really are appreciated...this would be so much harder if i didnt have other bunny people who understand...everyone else that i have told doesnt really care (other than my family who are major animal lovers)
I just saw this thread for the first time a few moments ago, and am truly at a loss for words - I read this and felt numb with shock.
All I can think to say right now is that I am so very sorry, peapoo_bunny...I know it won't help your pain, but I just wanted to express my sorrow, and let you know that I'm thinking of you during such a terribly difficult time.


Binky free, little ones...
thankyou bassetluv...none of this feels real to me.....i didnt see them, my family didnt tell me until after they were buried, so maybe thats one reason why it feels so unreal....its so hard to believe that theyre gone
:(it's probably beter that you didn't see them and can remember them as we all do in your pics of them...binky free Peapoo and Petey

i still can't believe they are gone either....
i am glad i didnt see probably would have made it worse..and like you said i remember them like they were, running around doing binkies:heart:
I am so sorry. I did adouble take when I saw this thread,I thought that I had read it wrong.:tears2:Those 2 buns were such characters, and will be missed by many of us here at RO.:hug1

Starina wrote:
I am so sorry. I did adouble take when I saw this thread,I thought that I had read it wrong.:tears2:Those 2 buns were such characters, and will be missed by many of us here at RO.:hug1

^100% same.

Oh no :( So full of charater those two. Binkie Free at the Rainbow Bridge my loves, be nice to Flopsy cause he's all alone up there right now. :sad: I am so sorry, I wish I had words to express how much I am. I very much enjoyed seeing you post them and their stories here. May they never be forgotten. :hug1

:pink iris::rainbow::pink iris:
...omg... I'm so sorry for you... I can't believe it... :(Binky free Peapoo and Petey

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