Dakotah wrote:
This Person whom youfeel was OH SO knowledgeable couldhave gotten His/HER facts from anywhereon the Net , I know I wentlooking and pretty much foundwhat was already typed in posts here, can we speak Plagerism much, I really dont givea rats backside if someonewants to argue facts , I canargue them with thebest , I can go searchingfor all the same things that wereposted BUT! to flat outcall someone a Lier , becuase they hadntgotten a chance to see a post and aquestion well then Friendthat goes above andbeyond Nice Nicegames doesnt it .
" NEVER Said Believe me because my Vetsaid so", where did themwords come from anyways , those are yourwords not mine I simplystated MY vet is working on researchto see if there is varying degreesof the fatal genesuch as their isin Downs SyndromChildren whats is wrong with that ?
Austin was the one to go and get allUppity about it not Me , AndJust because I happen to think one thing doesNOT mean others on this Forum have to go along withit , I am not soBIG on myself that I wouldthink nor expect them to think or do such. how foolish to evensay something like that . Everyone isentitled to their opinion , I havemine and I plan to fully go onwith what I am doingthru my vet and If noone likes it well ya know whattoo bad get over it . IFI should find that I was wrongin my way of thinking then I willbe the first one to admitit and post it , thatyou can count on .
As for you NOT GETTING IT ,So Sad , seems everyone elsedid .
First of all Ipersonally dont feel the needto post my Vets phonenumber and address or anything other thanwhat I did , I wouldnt do thatanyways for simple securityreasons , The People who needto know such Vital informatonhave been informed , WithPermission from My vet . Imsure He Will not appreciatea Breeder telling him Hisjob nor how to conductGenetic research ,Idon't understand something here. A question was asked and aknowlegable answer was given. Others want to disagree evenwhen the facts can be looked up anywhere in any good rabbit book or website. While Austin's style may be a bit abrasive to some, Ihave learned alot and copied alot of what he/she has posted as it isvaluable information to me and should be to others as well. Ithought we were all on here to learn reguardless of whether or not welike what we hear or the 'tone' we feel it is being deliveredin. It also seems to me that there is a group on here thatfeel that only their opinion is the correct one and if you disagree,well it is time to ban them. I just do notunderstand. There is one person on here who backs almosteverything they say with a sort of 'believe me because my vet told meso'. Well, if your vet really is telling you this stuff, whatis wrong with someone asking to learn from the same personyouare learning from? I know a clique when I see one and I knowwhen someone has been unfaily targeted. Not everyone knowseverything, even if they think they do. At least Austin washonest enough to admit that there is still more to learn abouteverything. The rest of you seem pretty closed minded andthin skinned. I for one would like to still have the optionof picking and choosing where my information comes from and whether ornot I wish to follow it. It seems to me that we have a few'leaders' here and a bunch of 'followers' who have nomindsof their own. By telling someone to go play intraffic so you can be the traffic - what a bunch ofchildren. Rabbits are rabbits reguardless of theirpurpose in life and the information to properly care for them is thesame. Only the people caring for them make itdifferant. Like I said, I just do not get it.
This Person whom youfeel was OH SO knowledgeable couldhave gotten His/HER facts from anywhereon the Net , I know I wentlooking and pretty much foundwhat was already typed in posts here, can we speak Plagerism much, I really dont givea rats backside if someonewants to argue facts , I canargue them with thebest , I can go searchingfor all the same things that wereposted BUT! to flat outcall someone a Lier , becuase they hadntgotten a chance to see a post and aquestion well then Friendthat goes above andbeyond Nice Nicegames doesnt it .
" NEVER Said Believe me because my Vetsaid so", where did themwords come from anyways , those are yourwords not mine I simplystated MY vet is working on researchto see if there is varying degreesof the fatal genesuch as their isin Downs SyndromChildren whats is wrong with that ?
Austin was the one to go and get allUppity about it not Me , AndJust because I happen to think one thing doesNOT mean others on this Forum have to go along withit , I am not soBIG on myself that I wouldthink nor expect them to think or do such. how foolish to evensay something like that . Everyone isentitled to their opinion , I havemine and I plan to fully go onwith what I am doingthru my vet and If noone likes it well ya know whattoo bad get over it . IFI should find that I was wrongin my way of thinking then I willbe the first one to admitit and post it , thatyou can count on .
As for you NOT GETTING IT ,So Sad , seems everyone elsedid .