I too keep a couple of does in my dwarf hototherd that do not carry a dwarfing gene (the BUD does - big uglydoes). You are right, you will never get a peanut out of oneof their litters. And again, you are right, it shifts the %of dwarf rabbits vs non dwarf rabbits. I don't mind gettingthe BUD does because you can use them or sell them as breeding stockbut the bucks become a problem. No one wants a BUB -big ugly buck.
For those of you that are lost - this may clear it up alittle for you -
normal gene -Dnormal rabbit - DD
dwarfing gene -ddwarf rabbit - Dd
peanut - dd
dwarf rabbit (Dd) Xdwarf rabbit(Dd)= 50% dwarf rabbits, 25% normal rabbits, 25%peanuts (averages not absolutes)
dwarf rabbit (Dd) X normal rabbit (DD)=50% dwarf rabbits, 50% normal rabbits - so you won't get peanuts but onaverage you will get 25% more of the BUDs and BUBs.
While I do keep only the best of my BUD does, I don't like to keep toomany of them just because of the non-dwarfing factor. I amraising dwarf rabbits, not big ugly rabbits. Peanuts are justa sad fact of raising dwarf rabbits. I don't breed to avoidthem - I breed to get (hopfully) only the best dwarf rabbits from mybest rabbits. If a peanut shows up in the nest box, I don'tget shook up over it. I leave them to contribute body heat tothe nest and when they pass away, they get removed. It's justnot that big of a deal to the serious breeder. Only the petpeople seem to get disturbed by them. (and before I get angryresponses, I have nothing against the pet people out there!)