No noticeable improvement yet. She hates her meds but I've worked out a technique that gets it over with fast: kneel over her, feet crossed so she can't back out, calves around her body so she can't turn, and hand cradling her chin to squirt the nasty stuff into her mouth. Only take sa few seconds and after a nose rub I'm usually forgiven.
Tonight she had a sneezing attack while eating her pumpkin (not that she really needs it anymore, I'm just a sucker). She looks so much like a human when she sneezes, sitting up on her haunches with both paws near her nose trying to wipe the snot away. It's both cute and sad - I hate to see her sick.
But tonight during her fit Rex did something I had never seen him do before: he hunkered down, pressing himself against her side, and when she stopped he kept his head underneath her chin, pushing her up when she started sniffling too much. He's truly her bunny soul mate:bunnyheart