Peanut's not doing well

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Aww i'm sorry Emily for what you are goingthrough with Peanut, i know it is the hardest thing in the world whenyou love something so much and you just want to do all you can to makeyour belovedpet feel better.

You are a fantastic mum and i think Peanut will know how lucky she is to have such a caring mum:)

i'm just so so so sorry for little Peanut:(

i'm keeping up the continued good thoughts for you and Peanut


Oh Emily. :bigtears:It's so heartwrenching.

But you're doingall that can be done, and that's somethingthat we all have to accept -- we're only human. I'dlove towave that magicwand and watch Peanut'stroubles evaporate, andtake your pain away -- which I bet isworse than Peanut's--but all we can do iswatch, hope, pray and think positive thoughts.

'Adapting' isn't so bad. She's doingokay.You're going to have to 'adapt' aswell. Focus on the good -- she's enoying her daily life, herfor, the company of good friends (you andRex).She's been a very lucky bunny almost all ofher life, and that hasn't changed.

Just let her know that you love her, but don't let her know how worriedabout her your are -- stress, even when it's underlying -- can besubtley transferable. The best thing you can do for Peanut isto accept that you're doing what you can andno longerbestressed aboutwhat you can'tdo.Positive thinking can send her happilyon a road to recovery or happilydown the road to the Bridge,but thatchoice isn't in your hands. It reallyisnt'.In the meantime, it can makeherdaily journey acomfortable,enjoyabletime. Cherish every day.

Meanwhile... is she on Nutrical? It may be betterfor weight gain than the Ensure? Just a thought.

Kiss Peanut on the nose (head, ears and everywhere else) for me. :kiss1

sas :pray:and the warren :hug:
Your level of commitment to Peanut is trulyamazing, in spite of how tiring this whole ordeal is. I've said thisbefore, as have many others, Peanut is SO lucky to have you by herside. While recovery is the ideal scenario, adaptation is a positivestep in my mind. She does have a wonderful quality of life.

You may have already seen this, but here's a list of vets that willconsult, like jordiwes suggested: are certainly no guarantees, but it's worth a try.

You and Peanut (and Rex) are in my prayers:pray::pray::pray:
Emily, I'm so sorry. I really wish Icould do something for you. Like Pipp said though, isadapting to her situation a bad thing? It would be totallydifferent if Peanut was not able to cope, but it seems like she'strying.

As for the weight loss, I wonder if that's just muscle? Sheobviously isn't able to move as much as she used to so it wouldn't beunusual for her to lose muscle mass.

My vet said something that helped me alot. Hereit is...As long as Ringo is fighting, as long as he is trying, we standbehind him helping him. He will let you know when he was done.He is. What you tell me sounds like where I was in June. It'sAugust and I feel I have almost have my boy back to normal. She alsosaid that the second time is harder to get over than the first.

Tons of prayer and well wishes to you and Peanut.

Emily, I feel so bad for you and Peanut. You aredoing such a great job, and I know that it must be so frustrating notto see an end result. But, like the others have said, Peanutis still fighting and continuing to lead her life. OK,it's not the life she's used to, but she is still eating, still beingloved (by both you and Rex) and she does sound as though she is coping,in her own way. Please, feel encouraged by this, and by the fact thatwe are all routing for you both, and are here for you.

I can't even read this because Peanut has alwaysbeen so very special to me, and I'm at work and can't get all tearedup. I will pray very hard for the punkin to getbetter. Very Hard, Indeed.

Keep the Faith!

Give her my love.

Hi Emily, Peanut is very very lucky to have youas her bunnymum, you are doing everything you can, but I know howexhausting at is, in many many ways. All you can do is all you arealready doing. Thinking of you..


Sorry to leaveyou guys hanging. I've stayed away from the computer for the past fewdays in order to clear my thoughts and not let myself be overwhelmed.

Carolyn, it's so good to see you :hug2 Hope all is well with your bunnies.

Alicia (JadeIcing), thanks for sharing what your vet said, it's given me a lot more hope for Peanut.

I really, reallyappreciate everyone's encouragement and words of advice. They mean alot :kiss:

Peanut is doing fairly well today, but there's no real difference. Shestands 40-50% of the time, mostly on her own, but occasionally leaningon the side of the pen. When she's standing, she's alert, affectionate,and almost like her old self. When she's fallen over or rolling, shelooks frustrated and defeated. It's so, so hard to tell how much thisis affecting her, and I know she just wants to be better. I want, withall my heart, to be able to make her better.

For better or worse, I haven't spoken with the vet (or any new vet) nordone much online research. Mostly because I didn't want to lose itcompletely (again), and also because conflicting information regardingtreatment has me very wary about trusting myself to make a gooddecision. I still feel like she needs to be on different antibioticsfor a longer period of time, so I will be calling the vet (again ;))and providing sources to back myself up.

Peanut got tired of eating mush and weaned herself off Critical Care. Ibought show-quality pellets with a higher fat and protein content toboost her weight, and she's eating a good amount every day. She getsNutri-Cal only when she seems to be lagging in her appetite; it'sreally high in sugar and I don't want to give too much. She'll be onPanacur for another week and a half, and on Meclizine for as long asshe needs it.
Hi Em, It soundslike you've done what you needed to doto give yourself somestrength and recover a little bit emotionally. You sound a wee bit lessfrustrated, and still as determined as ever to make all the rightchoices based on sound information and what's best forPeanut.

If Seb was sick and I wasn't able to takecare of him, there aren't very many people who I'd trust, but you areone of them. You have the knowledge and the heart. I thinkyou're pretty incredible. Peanut is a very lucky bunny.

You hang in there. Peanut is sure giving it her best shot!

XOXO- Raspberry
I hope and pray things have improved for our Special Little Peanut.

She's on my mind.


She's standingmost of the time, even eating upright. Before she was eating pelletsfrom our fingers while she laid on her side, and now she's eating froma dish without ever losing her balance. That's huge progress.

She's keeping herself fairly clean, though her litterbox habits are notyet back to normal. She is, overall, alert, attentive, and constantlybegging for nose rubs. After stuffing herself on pellets each meal, shestretches out on her belly with her feet completely out behind her. Ahappy rabbit, and a happy mommy :)


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