Hi Haley, Naturestee and JadeIcing,
Thank you so much for your messages, you are all so lovely. :hug2:
I'm sorry I haven't replied to your posts for the past few days, I have2 psych lab reports due for uni tomorrow and I haven't been on RO much this week.
Layla seems to be improving after the Baytril. She is still sneezing a bit but there is a lot less of the discharge now. I only have about 3days left of the antibiotic though, so I will speak to the vet to see if she needs more of it as she is still not feeling 100%.
Naturestee, I haven't tried mixing Layla's meds in mashed banana because I thought that wouldn't mask the taste of the meds, but it's worth a try so thank you for the suggestion

Haley, yep Layla is the one I usually need help from family withto hold her down. I have tried taking her into a room she is unfamiliar with, but she still fusses just as much. As for howI wrap her, I don't flip her over because she would freak out, I just hold her against my body on my lap.I'll ask my vet about theinjectable antibiotic as her meds have nearly run out and she is still sick, this might be because she isn'tswallowing thefull dose each time. Thank you for the advice
On a seperate note, Rodney and Layla had a big fight yesterday and I think theyare un-bonded now

. Rodney(who is usually shy, calm and very gentle) has been acting very out of character and has been mean to Layla for the past 3 days. He has been humping her,which he never used to do, andjust seems to bevery pushy around her. Iwas thinking it might besomething to do with the dominance changing because Layla is sick and she is usually the top bun.
Then yesterday, Rodney started chasing Layla and trying to bite her. He looked like he wanted to kill her,I havenever seen them fight like this before. They were both growling and chasing each other so fast. They were so intent on getting each other that I couldn't keep them seperate with just my hands, andthere was no time to reach for a towel because if I left them for a split second someone would end up getting badly hurt.
I had to cover Laylawith mybody and zipped her inside my jumper. The poor thing was so scared. Rodney, who has never bitten mein his life,sunk his teethdeep into myknee and bit my hand.Luckily both bunnies don't have any serious battle scars, which I am really surprised at because it was all so incredibly quick and vicious. So now they are in seperate cages. Layla is being very clingy to me today and Rodney is giving me the butt.He won't even accept a craisin from me.I should be giving him the butt, silly bunny.
My apologies for the very long post!