PaSRBA Convention Results

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Betty Chu photos were from another show. This years PaSRBA photos are at the top of the page -there's a line where they end andother shows begin.There are also some 2006 PaSRBA photos near the bottom of the page -there's a picture of Matthew in last years royalty court.

Nope - Eric wasn't confused. Just talking.He's an awesome Angora judge.

Matthew always appears to be on massive doses of caffeine LOL

My husband said he couldn't keep up with Matthew, so he just stood in the middle of the room as Matthew zoomed by him every so often.

Great photos you guys! Pam you look lovely in that confused pic.

Jesse, I would say you looked great too, but you already know that!

Are your enderby's hard to get into production? A friend here in NZ hasbeen trying to breed her lot for ages now and the don't seem to be producing many offspring.
minilops wrote:
Great photos you guys! Pam you look lovely in that confused pic.

I'm always confused LOL

Matthew loved me on youtube - he thought that was pretty funny.The guy making the bunny ears over my head was Larry Washburn. He's VP of our regional Ohio Holland Lop club and also the father of Heather Washburn, one of the top Holland Lop youth breeders in the country.

Lots of fun people in rabbits - we always have a great time.The Chesapeake Bay Holland club folk are a total blast - I love to judge for that club (I did their specialty on Sunday).


I just bred my Enderbies for the first time onJan 18th. I had Pam palpate Umbra at convention and she said to breed her again. But both my Enderbies somehow picked up snuffles at convention so i'm waiting for them to recover from that before I breed again. I think it just may have been too cold when I bred her the first time, and the sperm got dead.

So I have them both in my room now, Umbra threw an absolute fit when I fed her, throwing around her food bowl and putting her front legs in it and sliding around the cage, making such a racket.

I quickly looked for a toy or ball I could give her to vent with and all I found was this happy meal toy...a little stuffed Garfield. So I gave her that. She grabbed him by the spine and stuck him to the wall.Literally...I hadn't realized he was magnetic. That seemed to confuse her to she immediately did a flop and passed out for a nap....she's been cuddling with Garfield all night an day now, I can't seperate them.

JAK Rabbitry wrote:
But both my Enderbies somehow picked up snuffle sat convention so i'm waiting for them to recover from that before I breed again.

I think it's likely they stressed from the sudden cold snap.It's unlikely they picked up a viral infection at convention because they showed symptoms the first day.

They've been indoors though the entire time, even before convention. And I thought snuffles was caused by poor venthillation, but was also contagious.

They didn't show symptoms until Sunday evening and I first noticed itwhen I brought them to your table when my buck gave a sneeze. The doe was fine then until the next day when I woke up, both my buck and doe were sneezing.

Between my mother snoring like a bear, and my sister's nose whistling so loud it sounded like she could call a pack of dogs from across the state, and my buck sneezing and throwing his food around, I didn't sleep much.
Sorry guys, haven't been here much since I got back.Any spare time is spent putting Triple Antibiotic on my rabbit that got bit at the show.Thanks for the help Pam.You have NO IDEA how much this helped. So far it looks good, no signs of infection. I am still mad about it but at least he stands a chance of it not coming in black.I'll post pics of him later.

At least he won Best Black Dutch and was up for Best of Breed when it happened. No, he didn't win.Overall, though, I hada great time. Couldn't believe how different the judging was from show to show. I had the two shows sponsered by PaSRBAand 2 dutch specialty shows and 2 jersey wooly specialty shows. Some of my rabbits were so varied in the shows while others did about the same in all 4 shows.

I won Best Blue Dutch on Sat.under Briony Barnes with a 3 month old junior doe. That was awesome! Won Best Black Dutch on Sun. under Paul Jurgelonis. He loves my little buck and he felt awful after he got bit.

In the Woolies, I won Best Agouti and a couple of Best Opposite Agouti's with my Senior Buck (different shows). He also won Best Wool on Sunday.

So except for my buck getting bit and oh, yes, should mention my mother(who knows NOTHING about showing Jerseys) getting bit in the hand, I say that we had a great

Sorry I didn't have more time to talk to you, Jesse and Pam, with my two breeds up twice each day and my friends Himalayans, I was BUSY! Wow, never did so much running around all day! Hopefully we'll be at the same show again soon.It was nice to meet you both! I also met Roger L (RAL Rabbitry). We both run into each other at the shows but never fully introduced ourselves as being on the forum. Hopefully he will come and tell us how he did.


BTW, Jesse, you do have some nice Dutch!

Keep us up-to-date on how your Dutch is doing. I'm hoping that keeping a little antibiotic ointment or vaseline on it will helpto prevent dark spots/hairs.

It was a busy weekend, but we had a lot of fun. Still recovering - Matthew came down with a bad cold today :(

Why thank you! You're the second person to tell me that this weekend. This is the first show where people have actually complimented my herd. I kinda feel like i'm getting somewhere now. I hope I can rock convention next year!

Starlight Rabbitry wrote:
BTW, Jesse, you do have some nice Dutch!

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