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Oh sorry, I sent that pic to my own vet, and he said it looked like a tapeworm segment ... and I quote...

"...this looks like a segment (proglotide)of a tape worm,try Praziquantel 5-10 mg per Kg PO."

Forgot to post this!

sas :foreheadsmack:
Yeh, after I hung up the phone I realized he didn't say what it was. I will ask when he calls on Monday.

Was it difficult to get your rabbit to take the oral meds? I was glad he said injection because I'm afraid I won't be able to ge Hershey to take the med!
If Hershey plays outside in the yard it is easy to get it; the eggs are sometimes in the grass and the rabbit will get it on their body and then ingest it while grooming..
He doesn't play in the yard, but he eats a lot of veggies that are actually weeds that I pick for him! I'm sure that is where he got it. If Irinse offthe weeds before giving them to him, would that prevent reinfection?
Oh yes you should always wash the stuff you pick from outside for a long time and really throughly...

also don't pick in any area where dogs are defecating
Be EXTREMELY cautious when picking weeds and grass. As well as thoroughly washing them, you have to identify the safe areas to pick them from. Aside from pesticides, some animal latrine areas can contain deadly parasites, in particular raccoon droppings. They live in the soil for months if not years and they don't wash off, at least not easily.

That long grass under that tree or against the house that looks so delicious can be extremely dangerous.

Here's a link with more info:

Raccoon Parasite Warning

sas :shock:
I'm getting frustrated! I like things to get taken care of quickly! The vet didn't call this morning, so around 1:30 I called. The person who answered the phone said there wasn't a note on the computer and put me on hold. When she got back she said the vet promised to call before 5:00 yoday! He called around 3:30. They don't have the injectable form of the meds, but they do have the pill form. So he said to make an appointment to come in and he would give him the pills.

Of course, I forgot to ask what meds he was going to give Hershey - my mistake. But it seems to me to should be policy to tell people what the meds are w/o them having to ask.

The receptionist made excuses about it being the day after a holiday and they were really busy because of the a large number of accidents, blah, blah, blah. My feeling is that's not my problem, besides I called before the holiday and my pet is sick too, and should be first on the list! (I remained polite on the phone however!)

<Heavy sigh> I really like my dog's vet better, but they don't seem to have any experience with rabbits. What's a person to do?
Finally Hershey got his med! The doc squirted it and as soon as he let Hershey go he scrambled across the table and lept onto my chest! lol! The med he used is called Cest-Tabs. It musta worked cause he's been pooping out tapeworm sections like crazy! Fortunately they are in the litter box!

golfdiva wrote:
Finally Hershey got his med! The doc squirted it and as soon as he let Hershey go he scrambled across the table and lept onto my chest! lol! The med he used is called Cest-Tabs. It musta worked cause he's been pooping out tapeworm sections like crazy! Fortunately they are in the litter box!

Now you are grossing me out !!!

he must have a lot of them...

good to have a bun litterboxed trained LOL
Sometimes I wonder why we want these creatures as pets LOL :D
My poor poor Hershey boy! What kind of drug is in the medicine they gave him? Niclosamide and Praziquantel are listed on Medirabbit as treatments for tapeworms in bunnies.

I wish I could help you find a better vet, but besides driving all the way to Grand Rapids, Im clueless on a good one out that way.

Keep us posted. And give Hershey kisess from me. I love that bunny!
The med is Cesta-Tabs. It's a brand name for Praziquantel. Other than having a gross litter box, he seems to be doing fine!

I wouldn't mind driving into GR for a vet if I actually got to see the vet and not just one of his associates that he is training. My friend uses the same vet for her cat. She's had problems with the associates also.

This little problem so far has only costs me $30.00! When I told my friend that, she was amazed and said she has never gotten out of there for less than $100! (This place is quite expensive, the vet charged $200.00 for Hershey's check up and neuter!)

Ok, 'nough chit chat, now for the gross pics!



Well that has really turned my stomach upside down butI am glad that you posted it.

You've got to put on some gloves and wash and clean that litterbox very well and continue to clean it as he poops them out .

he canstep on those thing , get eggs on his feet and reingestthem .
so when you.can.............. clean the box really good ..

that is truly the topper of grossness :rollseyes
Rest assured, I took the pics last night and the box is already clean!

The way I understand it is this: The meds interfer with the tapeworm's protection from digestion. So the host then digests the tapeworm! Usually, the host poops out very little if any of the tapeworm. Maybe bunnies just can't digest tapeworms very well?
I did not know that ..

i have to do some more reading on that

certainly is the epitome of grossness tho

i get to use the vomiting emoticon for this :vomit:
