Paper towels

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Jan 29, 2017
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So about 10 minutes ago, my little Timmy ate about 4 paper towels because my brother let my rabbit into my room without asking me. Should I call a vet? Are paper towels poisonous to rabbits?
So about 10 minutes ago, my little Timmy ate about 4 paper towels because my brother let my rabbit into my room without asking me. Should I call a vet? Are paper towels poisonous to rabbits? Any input would be greatly appreciated
So about 10 minutes ago, my little Timmy ate about 4 paper towels because my brother let my rabbit into my room without asking me. Should I call a vet? Are paper towels poisonous to rabbits? Input would be greatly appreciated. The vet said we should feed him bread but he wont eat it
Alli, there is no need to make 4 posts about your rabbits issue.
And please try and be patient, asking for people to reply moment after youve posted is not necessary. People have lives to live.

It sounds like you need to find a new vet.
In the mean time stevesmum has offered good advice.
Pushing water and hay to help prevent a blockage from forming.
Gut mobility drugs may be necessary to avoid needing surgical intervention. But please find a vet that has true rabbit knowledge.
As a general rule, eating small amounts of paper towels will not cause harm, but that many may indeed cause blockage. Hay, like everyone else suggested, is key. Keep an eye to make sure he's pooping and eating normally and if he is not, he needs to see a rabbit savvy vet! Bread can work for blockages in DOGS, but (again like everyone else said) do not give rabbits bread. Not only will it not work, but it will cause GI microbe issues. Please keep us updated and let us know how he is doing.
I agree with everyone else, you need to find a different vet, bread is bad for rabbits, same with seeds and nuts. Also, rabbits are pretty much vegans, so please don't feed your rabbit any meat or dairy products both of those are bad for rabbits. the main thing your rabbit should be eating is hay, hay is very important a rabbit should get 24/7 access to hay. about the paper towel, as everyone has said, please bring your rabbit to a rabbit savvy vet. or at least call a rabbit savvy vet and see if they can help you through phone (or they'll probably say she needs to come in and they can have a look at her)
Okay. Thank you everybody. I posted multiple times because i thought it didnt go through
He seems to be doing fine.he pooped out some of the paper towels but wont eat as much as normal. I will keep you posted.
Okay. I will try to put more in. I already have it in multiple places
Make sure he is eating hay and drinking water and pooping. Keep a very close eye on him.
Alli! Your rabbit is so cute. I hope he will be ok. If I were you, I'd stay the night with him just to make sure he is eating and pooping. That's just me tho! Hay and water like every one said. If your rabbit stops pooping get him to a vet asap but not that vet who said feed your rabbit bread. Like everyone else said that is terrible advice and shows that vet only knows dogs and cats. Keep us posted! Your rabbit is so cute. Really want him to be ok!
If he is used to eat vegetables, some wet grass would be good to encourage him to eat more and hydrate the guts. Some wet parsley, mint or basil might help to. Like the others said, the important thing is that he eats lots of long fibers and keeps his guts really hydrated. If he were mine, I would buy several types of hay, give wet grass and syringe feed a few ml of water several times a day. Do the poos look normal or are they tiny or misshapen?
If they look normal, it means it should be fine and that the guts work OK. If not, the guts have slowed and you will need to keep a close eye on him and make sure the fibers keep on coming to push the whole mess outside (rabbits' stomach don't have muscles like ours do, so they need strong long fibers to push things toward the exit, that's why when they don't eat enough hay blockages occur).
Okay thanks aki. He has normal pooping habits and they have little bits of white in them. I would assume this is a good sign

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