Awsome pic Kimlol you got the picture a lotmore clearer than I ever couldlol especially for the first one lol , Letme explain why somany: Father was a DUTCH!!!lmao with a larger rabbit Dutchfathers get to infect more eggsresulting in more babies lol rememberLightning did that to me lastlitter , but she wasnt thatportly lol .
:sad::tears2:well today was a ickyday i went out to check all the buns and we lost our firstbaby today i tried all that i could but poor little guyjust wasnt able to hang in there. rip little kick!i will miss you loads.
you can see how different there colors arehehe some are a light black some a dark black some gray somelike a very lite silver. so cute. when they areabout a week or two i will take individual pics and get them numberedso i know who is who lol and of course ill keep picturescoming so everyone can see how they are growing!
Kim I cant wait tosee in a few weeks howthe furr is going to look like, In this picture youcan se the Rex furstarting to make its self known , You cansee by the Sheen theres rexfur hiding in there waiting toburst out lol .
I cant wait for the final results of Dutch / Rex furr ,