Thank you for your kind wordseveryone
They are a great bunch of bunnies !!!
Pipp I got Caspian the Telus bunny ( who I believe was namedChicklets on his pedigree) after accidently meeting thebreeder who is a friend the breeder who I got Remus and Maxfrom. Jeannette and I were invited over to visit with her and her 170bunnies !!!!!! It took us 45 minutes to see all the bunnies. Jeannettewas interested in getting a LionheadsoI spoke tothe breeder andasked if there were any she would beinterested in parting with. While looking at the breedersLionheads I saw this adorable little Netherland. He was very curiousand very friendly. The breeder mentioned to me that he was one of thetroublesome triplets from the Telus commercial.He was the onewith the eyes that open wide when he hears the news of the carrot truckrolling over on the highway. Hehad also beensomeother Telus commercials, billboards, and ads. He was such a tiny littleguy and socute .I turned to Jeannette and said "itis too bad that he is not for for sale" the breeder then said to me"you can have him if you like" I turned to Jeannette and said "can Ihave him" Jeannette agreed and reminded me that I owe her aLionhead which we will probably get at some point.
Caspian loves to sit on Jeannette's lap and stare into her eyes. Likemy other 2 Netherlands he is a high energy bunny that loves to runaround. He has amassiveappetite for such a littlebunny and drinks water like there is no tomorrow. I am so happy thatJeannette and I were able to get him
We are in the processof getting him a bigger cage as I want to give him more room andtoys.All of our other bunnies have good sized cages.
All of our bunnies are a big part of our lives just like everyone ofyour bunnies out there. They give us unconditional love ( as long asthey are not hungry
) and are wonderful little pets.
I do think back to October 2004 when we lost Goldie, Darth, Pumpkin,and Andromeda. I felt such heartache when they passed away. I do notthink that I ever cryed so much than in October 2004. Tonks was theonly bunny that survived. I would not have believed that 2yearslater that we would have 8 bunnies and I am verythankful that they are all healthy.