Our Bunny story

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Welcome to the forum!! Your buns are adorable. Iam sorry for you sad start, but am glad you were able to overcome andadopt more ;)... I dont know if you were told or have alreadyseen, but you can make a post as a memory of your past buns in theRainbow Bridge! Goodluck with your bunch and hope to see more picssoon!!

Rainbow Bridge


-Tiffany, Freddy and Vicky
Welcome,I think buying from a petstoreencourages the backyard breeders in it for money.If conditions in thestore are bad report it to the humane society.bluebird
Thank you all for the kind comments:) The pet store that I deal with is great andmyrabbit vet has even checked outthestoretoo.Heroffice is on the samestreet.I know the staff there and the girls that take care ofthe bunnies are all bunny owners too :)

Here are some Moony pics:

Bunny Zone !!!


Moony's new digs !!!


Let me out !!!


Did someone say food !!!


Being lazy


Having a nap


When are you going to feed me...


Moony's first day at home


Moony's first day at home on March 13th


Moony ( picture takenlast night ) What happened to that cute little bunny in the picture above:shock:


I agree but then a lot of people say thatyou're not helping the rabbits your just supporting the petstore andeventually more rabbits will come in, But i still would "rescue" arabbit from a pet store that is living in awful conditions.

Gypsy wrote:
Animals purchased thru a petstore is concidered a rescue nomatter how you look at it , I havepurchased many from pet srtores to GET them OUT ofa situation .
[align=left]More Bunny pics


Snuffles first day at home



[align=left]Watching TV[/align]
[align=left]Will you let me go right now !!![/align]
[align=left]Who is this freak ???[/align]
[align=left]Chilling out[/align]
You have had a rough ride, Mike, but now thingsare looking good for you it seems. And I love that your bunsare all named after Harry Potter characters (and some of my favoritesto boot!).
Another story for everyone and this is a much happier one, our newest bunny Prongs

who is a Netherland Dwarf is changing colour. When he got him on June17th he looked like someone who had dyed their hair fromblond/greyto black as heis now becoming ablond/grey. I will postsome pics a littlelater.Has anyone had this happen to their bunny.
hiya. i like your pictures alot.

i live in Mississauga, Ont. and today i took my new babybunny to a vet. the vet was very nice but found it very diificult toexamine my bunny "Kweli". the vet couldn't do a full exam cause my girlwas kicking and scratching,(she's got sharp nails), they couldn't evencut the nails for me, and they said they were "pretty" sure she was ashe. i still payed $90. (Although they did earn their money, Kweliscratched them somethin fierce.) Kweli seems pretty healthy, so i'm notoverly worried....but it was mentioned that you had found a rabbitspecialist around you, and i would be very grateful if you could sharethat info with me. My girls deserve the best.

Thank you, and i wish you all the best with your kiddies!

LOL You certainlyhave grown lol whatbeautifull rabbits you have leepthe pictures coming I am dieingto see what Moonytops out for size and weight, he so reminds me of2 litters that were born here ,very similar Markings ,You can see what I meanby visiting Apollos Acre's .
Hi gypsy, Moony hasnot put on muchweight in the last 6 weeks and he is now 6months old. I wonder if he is going to get any bigger....

NickyI will get you the name and phone number of the 2vets that I deal with later on today.
What a precious Love. This picturejust melts me. I'm so glad Goldie knew Love before she had torun to the Rainbow Bridge. What a little doll.


Your pictures are great, Mike. Keep them coming!You have a beautiful bunny family and it's obvious they are very welltaken care of and deeply loved. :)

Thanks Carolyn, Goldie passed away just 2 daysbefore Jeannette left Canada to head home to continue her degree.Goldie was Jeannette's little girl and it really hit Jeannette hard buttime does heal all wounds and Moony has become her little boy.

Prongs appears to be getting lighter by the day :p

June 20th



July 21st Maybe he needs to use a suntan lotion with a higher UV factor :D

Nicky that Vet info is coming soon :) Sorry I forgot to post the info last night :p

Those are some ADORABLE buns =)

And there was one face in there that was not a happy bunny face...rather reminds me of Carolyn's Tucker when the painters came to TuckerTown =)