Our Buck Is Not Breeding Properly...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2014
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I'm not sure what's going on with him. When I put him and Beans together last month, he mounted, did his thing and fell off with a squeak.

I put him with her again the past week, just waiting for her to accept him and he's mounting, doing his thing, but no grand finale?

Has anyone experienced this before [my past breeders have done it all just fine...I'm not sure why this is not happening as it should]
That's odd. I have only ever seen a failure of the falling over thing when it's their teddy bears for obvious reasons of course!

Maybe try again? I've never had a buck not but I've heard that it doesn't necessarily mean it didn't work. Maybe he just wasn't on properly? Rebreed and see what happens maybe?
There can be any number of reasons why a breeding would not be successful. In many cases, the doe is simply not receptive to the buck's "advances" and may not lift for him. If she doesn't offer a breeding, the buck usually can't position himself properly to breed her.
Yeah, I just hate the idea of forcing it...I'm hoping that he'll come around...with the spring, I'm wondering if he's just not comfortable in his grass run. They didn't really get to use it all winter with the insane amount of rain we had the ground has been too wet to let them out in their run.

I'm going to give it a few more days an try again.
Are these the rescue ones? Maybe they're just not breeders, could be why someone got rid of them in the first place.
.I'm hoping that he'll come around...with the spring, I'm wondering if he's just not comfortable in his grass run.

May I ask why you are blaming the buck?

I put him with her again the past week, just waiting for her to accept him and he's mounting, doing his thing, but no grand finale?

He's trying to do his job.
The doe is not lifting.
It's not his issue...it's hers.
If she's not in the mood, try as he might, unless you table breed, it isn't going to happen.
Also watch the tail. Her tail should be up or it will be harder for him.
May I ask why you are blaming the buck?

He's trying to do his job.
The doe is not lifting.
It's not his issue...it's hers.
If she's not in the mood, try as he might, unless you table breed, it isn't going to happen.

I wasn't "blaming" anyone. Just asking a question and explaining what I was seeing.

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