OT - Pancake day!!

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Thought this was pretty fitting with PancakeDay.... for some reason it was posted on a Hair (no, not 'Hare') ForumI visit often..... (dont ask me why!)


I'm not sure why this bunny has a pancake on it's head, but it must be for a very, very good reason!!! :)
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Thought this was pretty fitting with Pancake Day.... forsome reason it was posted on a Hair (no, not 'Hare') Forum I visitoften..... (dont ask me why!)


I'm not sure why this bunny has a pancake on it's head, but it must be for a very, very good reason!!! :)
LOL that is funny!

Just had my pancakes and very nce they were to. The reasonwhyI put the sugar on top is becuase I did't put it in themixture.

Pancakes get the thumbs up from little Caitlyn too! Shes wining at the moment for more:)

Stephanie wrote:
Hmmmm....since I now live in Canada and married into aCanadian family, better hold up with these traditions.

My hon was going to go out for wings with the guys, but I'll bet oncehe hears it's pancake night, he's going to stay home.
mmmm....I kinda like the wing idea:pbut I should hold to thetrandition. As you know Canada is so multicultral that itwould be nice to hear what other food traditions are outthere? Personally I love Indian Food, there is some sort ofenergy power in all the amazing spices that purk up any boringvegetable:D
Sandhills, thats amazing! my mouth gapped openwhile scrolling down, stopped, scrolled back up to make sure I wasseeing right? hey... just got my new granny glasses:D:D
blueyes65 wrote:
Delphinum wrote:
LOL the wayto a man's heart is through his stomach eh?
Forget about the maneh?:p
Ryan starts his diet tomorrow for lent. I've bought him lots of yummysalads which he will eat for 40 days. His lunch will be lettuce,tomatos and cucumber, with Tuna. I will throw in a banana and a low fatyoughurt in to as I'm kind!!

DaisyNBuster wrote:
blueyes65 wrote:
Delphinum wrote:
LOL the wayto a man's heart is through his stomach eh?
Forget about the maneh?:p
Ryan starts his diet tomorrow for lent. I've bought him lots of yummysalads which he will eat for 40 days. His lunch will be lettuce,tomatos and cucumber, with Tuna. I will throw in a banana and a low fatyoughurt in to as I'm kind!!

:DVickie, does Ryan's persona change when its lenttime? I know my hubby doesn't follow lent and without the bigman meal I see the 'Sybal personalities' come out when I change hisdiet:DSome follow lent more seriously then others, over the years orgenerations my family has done just that. As a kid wefollowed lent, and think my parents became lazy so I really never gotto understand and follow lent:(I apologize was not trying to make funof lent, just my hubby:D
LOL we have never really followed lent beforeblueyes. Ryan was only saying today that he needs to lose a few pounds(well 3 stone if I'm exact - just don't tell him I said :p) and he wasgoing to go on a diet. So I said to him why not give it up fatty foodsand takeaways for lent and then you can lose weight at the same time.So he said he would just live on salads and jacket potatoes until lentis over and see if he can shift it. I am betting by Monday he is backto kebabs and curries. He just hasn't got the willpower to do it!

Lent? I give up my New Years Resolutions for Lent. The only way to go. :p

Dave is now not going out for wings tonight. He called and told me hedidn't feel like it, but I think it's the pancakes. He sounded ratherexcited about it actually. :p

And Blueyes, do you know of any good Indian recipes? I too love Indianfood and miss my favorite Indian restaurant very, very much. I want totake a cooking class actually, because I'd have no idea where to start.
Was shrove Tuesday here yesterday and was yummie day LOL

I love pancakes with a little lemon on them with a very very light sprinkling of sugar :)

Or sometimes I cook pancake and make up a savoury tomatoey type mince and pour that over the pancakes yum yum......

All this pancake talk and I just had breakfast! Maybe I should of had pancakes again instead of cereal LOL

Have a good day everyone!
DaisyNBuster wrote:
LOL we have never really followed lent before blueyes. Ryanwas only saying today that he needs to lose a few pounds (well 3 stoneif I'm exact - just don't tell him I said :p) and he was going to go ona diet. So I said to him why not give it up fatty foods and takeawaysfor lent and then you can lose weight at the same time. So he said hewould just live on salads and jacket potatoes until lent is over andsee if he can shift it. I am betting by Monday he is back to kebabs andcurries. He just hasn't got the willpower to do it!

Whew, I was sweating there for a while:D:D:D, hubby there wason the should diet because he had to have a double hernia operation,heheh....anyway he lost too much weight and kept it off, I can feed himanything and still he remains a stick. I wish he was chunky likebefore, so we reversed our body structure, now its my turn to lets saythe big bad D word:DThanks for verifying this for me, was worried I hadupset you.
ariel wrote:
Was shrove Tuesday here yesterday and was yummie day LOL

I love pancakes with a little lemon on them with a very very light sprinkling of sugar :)

Or sometimes I cook pancake and make up a savoury tomatoey type mince and pour that over the pancakes yum yum......

All this pancake talk and I just had breakfast! Maybe I should of had pancakes again instead of cereal LOL

Have a good day everyone!
Oh yeah, your in a totally differenttime zone! Sounds like you are full:pI usually have 3 boxes of pancakemix in the cupboard, and now have to make the darn things by scratch!thats o.k. will take out some food colouring to make mehappy...thinking green pancakes?
blueyes65 wrote:
DaisyNBuster wrote:
LOL wehave never really followed lent before blueyes. Ryan was only sayingtoday that he needs to lose a few pounds (well 3 stone if I'm exact -just don't tell him I said :p) and he was going to go on a diet. So Isaid to him why not give it up fatty foods and takeaways for lent andthen you can lose weight at the same time. So he said he would justlive on salads and jacket potatoes until lent is over and see if he canshift it. I am betting by Monday he is back to kebabs and curries. Hejust hasn't got the willpower to do it!

Whew, I was sweating there for a while:D:D:D, hubby there wason the should diet because he had to have a double hernia operation,heheh....anyway he lost too much weight and kept it off, I can feed himanything and still he remains a stick. I wish he was chunky likebefore, so we reversed our body structure, now its my turn to lets saythe big bad D word:DThanks for verifying this for me, was worried I hadupset you.
Not at all Blueyes, it takes a lot to upset me :D. I also like my Ryanchunky, but its what he wants to do, so I'll stand by his decisions.

I think that a good idea. PANCAKEDAY I never heard of such a thing but I'll tell you its agreat idea. I love pancakesuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm.

ariel wrote:
Was shrove Tuesday here yesterday and was yummie day LOL

I love pancakes with a little lemon on them with a very very light sprinkling of sugar :)

Or sometimes I cook pancake and make up a savoury tomatoey type mince and pour that over the pancakes yum yum......

All this pancake talk and I just had breakfast! Maybe I should of had pancakes again instead of cereal LOL

Have a good day everyone!

Aren't you almost a day in front of us Ariel? In UK it is almost 10o'clock at night. I like it when it is New Years Eve. I watch yourcountry celebrate it when it is about 11am here.


LOL Blueyes green pancakes? Sounds different. I just phoned my sisterand she put Strawberry Laces (the chewy sweety things)on herPankcakes.

sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Thought this was pretty fitting with Pancake Day.... forsome reason it was posted on a Hair (no, not 'Hare') Forum I visitoften..... (dont ask me why!)


I'm not sure why this bunny has a pancake on it's head, but it must be for a very, very good reason!!! :)

I'm sure hes saying "I smell a pancake some where, where could that pancake be" hahahaha
Stephanie wrote:
Lent? I give up my New Years Resolutions for Lent. The only way to go. :p

Dave is now not going out for wings tonight. He called and told me hedidn't feel like it, but I think it's the pancakes. He sounded ratherexcited about it actually. :p

And Blueyes, do you know of any good Indian recipes? I too love Indianfood and miss my favorite Indian restaurant very, very much. I want totake a cooking class actually, because I'd have no idea where to start.
Stephanie, I love Indian food, my Indian friends are really badat cooking Indian food, I even have my local pizza guy who is PUNJABIndian giving me the real stuff:Dsearch google and there aresomany good places to find Indian recepies of yourchoice....I LOVE Tandori Chicken and Pocata.

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