OT-New Year's Resolutions

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Hi, I've stopped smoking. I had mylast cigarette at 7:30pm on Jan 2/2006. This is a hardone. I lost 35pounds a year ago and it wasn't as hard todo.

:colors:I stopped smoking too SOOOSKAand I feel your pain! Haven't had one since New Years and it has onlybeen this last couple days that it feels any easier. HAving said that,I thought I would never quit - I have less willpower than my bunnywhenever she sees the TV cable, so I feel really proud,

Well done - Ill think of you next time I resist temptation!


Do you feel better in yourself/healthier?

Hi Alfie and Angel

Yes I do feel better, I don't stink anymore (clothes) LOL.The hardest part for me is not smoking in the car, that's where I useto smoke the most.

We never smoked in the house so that part is easy. You shouldhave seen my husband and I outside in the middle of winter in our PJ'shaving a cig. What a site that was.

It's still real hard though, I do want one every now and then, but Ijust keep saying to myself "IAM A NON SMOKER NOW"

I also have Asthma so I really shouldn't be smoking.

Good Luck to you. Go give your Bunnies a kiss every time you feel like one.

Yeah the clothes thing is the improvement Inoticed most - like when I've been around friends that smoke I thinkwow I must have smelled like that all the time-and also howgoooood food tastes since I quit (so looks pretty obvious what nextyears resolution will be);).

My main difficult times are waiting for publc transport and when I havea big essay due, although we never smoked in our flat either and I'mgrateful for this as it makes it easier now to be home than out. Ithink it's a good idea to have a coping strategy for these times andkissing bunnies is a good plan! - In this vein, I have a rewardplanned. I really want a British Giantbun andthereis arescue centre for giantsnear me.If I still don't smoke by my birthday (March) I'll have saved enoughmoney for all that extra hay.

Good luck to you too - stay strong


Just thought I'd add to the no-smoking postshere. I just quit too. It's been 2 wholeweeks. They say it's harder to give up than heroine, solosing 30 pounds should be a breeze if I can quit smoking. :)

nose_twitch wrote:
losing 30 pounds should be a breeze if I can quit smoking. :)
I hope so - I want to eat all the time - it'struly disgusting!

Welcome to the quit club! Well done- 2 weeks is fantastic. Everyweek that passes I feel reallyproud coz I never thought I'd be able to do 2 days! You should bereally proud.

See SOOSKA's advice (above) for good bunny love distraction technique - it works!

But also, stop back in and let me know how you're doing coz it helps to know that other people are......er, .......suffering!

I have put together a quit pack of emoticons to describe the full range of nicotine withdrawal-fuelled emotions. As follows:

But one day soon I know I'm going to wake up feeling:

.......and that's what keeps me going.

Well done again!!!!!!!!!!
LOL those emoticons really do describe theemotions! I think now I'm over the actual nicotineaddiction. Now it's just that I don't have anything to dowith my hands. I've started to drink lots of tea, but thatdoesn't quite have the same affect.

Yeah tea is good. It's like there is adifference between the addiction and the habit which still tries tofool you into thinking you're addicted.

I have a whole load of things I try to do instead:

After eating: Glass of fizzydrink

Waiting for the bus: make sure Ialways have a book or trashy magazine.

While writing essay:dried fruit (alfie bunny is particularly pleased with this substitution)

Down the pub: I rip things, beer mats, labels off bottles, receipts (not popular with landlords)

Miscellaneous times: I pop bubble wrap! The amount of bubbles I popdepend on the severity of the need to smoke. (not popular with alfie orboyfriend!)
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff"
Waiting for the bus: make sure Ialways have a book or trashy magazine.

LOL I'll have to start reading Harlequin romances or Playboy.

Hey, Playboy has a bunny...so now I'll be combining hobbies. Hopefully I don't develop a porn addiction.

I havent bothered with one this year, as I know I will break it!

But last year my resolution was to not eat any chocolate what so ever.It lasted 6 months! But no longer :?I still think I did agood job tho for 6 months!
Hi Rose, how's the not smoking going?

It's been 33 days with no cigarettes. I still feel like one every now and then but I keep saying "I AM A NON SMOKER NOW".Hopefully it's going god for you too.


Hey Soooska,

Yey Well done!!!

I'm still cigarette free too although some days are harder than others. For the most part it's getting easier. I just think about how cross I'll be at myself if I cfave and that wards off the temptation (mostly0.

Anyway, good to hear from you and keep up the good work!!!


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