OT-lossing my job

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are there any temp agencies around yourarea. I have had several jobs that are really decent andreally good paying. The good thing about a temp agency is youare always in work and if you get a job you really like, you can gethired in directly through the company at a higher rate than off thestreet because you have been there and know the ropes a littlebit. Also have youtried anything like monster.com.They are one of the best resources on the net. EvenMcDonald's will try and get people from there so you neverknow. If you don't mind me asking, I have several really goodconnections in Cali and if you can give me an idea of what your lookingfor or what your strong points are, I might be able to find somethingout for you.
SweetPeasDaddy wrote:
are there any temp agencies around your area. Ihave had several jobs that are really decent and really goodpaying. The good thing about a temp agency is you are alwaysin work and if you get a job you really like, you can get hired indirectly through the company at a higher rate than off the streetbecause you have been there and know the ropes a little bit.Also have youtried anything like monster.com. They are one ofthe best resources on the net. Even McDonald's will try andget people from there so you never know. If you don't mind measking, I have several really good connections in Cali and if you cangive me an idea of what your looking for or what your strong pointsare, I might be able to find something out for you.

I could try a temp agency. I at least would be able to try a few different things on.

See I'm not sure what my "skills" are. I haven't had many jobs and Ihave just done fast food and clerical. But I cant continue to doclerical forever since I have rheumatoid arthritis in my hand andtyping becomes a problem at times. I do enjoy helping people a lot andworking with my hands. Which is why I was thinking of working in themedical field. :)

If you guys can suggest a job that lets me help people, notbe stuck at a desk all day and not require me to be overly organizedthat would be great. :)

honeybunnie8 wrote:
SweetPeasDaddy wrote:
arethere any temp agencies around your area. I have had severaljobs that are really decent and really good paying. The goodthing about a temp agency is you are always in work and if you get ajob you really like, you can get hired in directly through the companyat a higher rate than off the street because you have been there andknow the ropes a little bit. Also have youtried anything likemonster.com. They are one of the best resources on thenet. Even McDonald's will try and get people from there soyou never know. If you don't mind me asking, I have severalreally good connections in Cali and if you can give me an idea of whatyour looking for or what your strong points are, I might be able tofind something out for you.

I could try a temp agency. I at least would be able to try a few different things on.

See I'm not sure what my "skills" are. I haven't had many jobs and Ihave just done fast food and clerical. But I cant continue to doclerical forever since I have rheumatoid arthritis in my hand andtyping becomes a problem at times. I do enjoy helping people a lot andworking with my hands. Which is why I was thinking of working in themedical field. :)

If you guys can suggest a job that lets me help people, notbe stuck at a desk all day and not require me to be overly organizedthat would be great. :)
If you go to a temp agency, they will do skills testin onyou. It might take from 1 - 2 hours, but they thoroughly testyou in all fields. They base your strong point and weakpoints and assist you in finding what you are good at/lookingfor. A lot of people really frown on temp agencies, but someof my best work was through temping. They can really help youin a lot of areas. If they place you somewhere and you don'tlike it, then all you need to do is tell them and they can findsomething else for you. It really is a win win situation witha temp agency.
My husband is also looking for work.He's lookingfor janitor work or stock work at a store on the night shift,he likeshis night shift,so he doesn't have to deal with customers driving himcrazy in the day time.He wishes he could work at General Motors,butit's hard to get that job now days and alot of cut backs also.The worstpart right now is our bills our getting behind.I get disability butthat's not enough to live on.We are praying and hoping my husband getsa job soon.My husband does have an employment agency working with himto help him look for a job.Right now we do get food stamps and medicalhelp from social services,but we can't get any cash assistance becausewe don't have kids.I hate to admit to anybodywe get food stamps.
Pepper wrote:
Myhusband is also looking for work.He's looking for janitor work or stockwork at a store on the night shift,he likes his night shift,so hedoesn't have to deal with customers driving him crazy in the daytime.He wishes he could work at General Motors,but it's hard to getthat job now days and alot of cut backs also.The worst part right nowis our bills our getting behind.I get disability but that's not enoughto live on.We are praying and hoping my husband gets a job soon.Myhusband does have an employment agency working with him to help himlook for a job.Right now we do get food stamps and medical help fromsocial services,but we can't get any cash assistance because we don'thave kids.I hate to admit to anybodywe get food stamps.
You have no reason to be ashamed about needing financialhelp. What makes me mad is when people are too lazy to lookfor work and dont want work and they take the food stamps and otherfinancial asistance. You have a genuine need and you aregrealy in distress over this.I believe that yourhusband is doing that which he can to help support you both.If it is still not enough and you need the food stamps and the moneyfrom assistance, then you havea right to take it.That is what it is there for. We receive disability as welland it is nowhere near enough to help us live. We are inextreme financial need as well. I am also a Marine.But I also know that I have to survive and support my family.If that means financial assistance, then so be it. Yes, Imight feel humbled because I have to fo this, but I am still a personand still a Marine and even though I might need assistance, I am stillgoing to hold my head up high. I am not ashamed to say mysituation. Life has blasted with every single thing under thesun and none of these things cannot be helped. I have to dowhat I have to do to keep food on our table and the bills paidcurrent. I should note that I am not on welfare and do notneed welfare, but there was a time when I was and justifiablyso. The government has put these things out there to helpthose of us that need it and you have a right to claim it IF IT ISTRULY A GENUINE NEED. I will pray for your financialsituation and your husbands search for work. God Bless,

SweetPeasDaddy wrote:
Pepper wrote:
My husband isalso looking for work.He's looking for janitor work or stock work at astore on the night shift,he likes his night shift,so he doesn't have todeal with customers driving him crazy in the day time.He wishes hecould work at General Motors,but it's hard to get that job now days andalot of cut backs also.The worst part right now is our bills ourgetting behind.I get disability but that's not enough to live on.We arepraying and hoping my husband gets a job soon.My husband does have anemployment agency working with him to help him look for a job.Right nowwe do get food stamps and medical help from social services,but wecan't get any cash assistance because we don't have kids.I hate toadmit to anybodywe get food stamps.
You have no reason to be ashamed about needing financialhelp. What makes me mad is when people are too lazy to lookfor work and dont want work and they take the food stamps and otherfinancial asistance. You have a genuine need and you aregrealy in distress over this.I believe that yourhusband is doing that which he can to help support you both.If it is still not enough and you need the food stamps and the moneyfrom assistance, then you havea right to take it.That is what it is there for. We receive disability as welland it is nowhere near enough to help us live. We are inextreme financial need as well. I am also a Marine.But I also know that I have to survive and support my family.If that means financial assistance, then so be it. Yes, Imight feel humbled because I have to fo this, but I am still a personand still a Marine and even though I might need assistance, I am stillgoing to hold my head up high. I am not ashamed to say mysituation. Life has blasted with every single thing under thesun and none of these things cannot be helped. I have to dowhat I have to do to keep food on our table and the bills paidcurrent. I should note that I am not on welfare and do notneed welfare, but there was a time when I was and justifiablyso. The government has put these things out there to helpthose of us that need it and you have a right to claim it IF IT ISTRULY A GENUINE NEED. I will pray for your financialsituation and your husbands search for work. God Bless,

Thank-you for your kind words.I looked at your homepage andthink it's great that you had Christ's Crusaders on your homepage.Everybody needs to know Christ as their personal savior.We attendchurch so we know Christ as our savior. Also,I saw your pictures ofyour wife Angel and yourself. I liked your wedding picture alot.Ourwedding picture is our avatar.Our anniversary is on August 30th andwe're be married 8 years.We don't have any kids,but we have our rabbitPepper who we consider our kid.Our Pepper is a 2 year old netherlanddwarf.
First off I want to thank you for donating Pepper to me. That was very generous of you ;).

Secondly, I am glad that you like my site and our wedding picture aswell. It is a very funny thing about our picture.There is a business district about 10 minutes away from ourchurch. Across the street from that waterfall, is a majorInterstate and above is about 15 different office complexes and acrossthe street, before the highway is a trucking company and shippingyard. It is a total businessdistrict, but you wouldnever know from the picture.

The rules of ths site state that we are not allowed to advertise ourown websites here so I will just simply say thank you for checking itout and I am glad you liked it. You and I think alike.

God Bless

SweetPeasDaddy wrote:
First off I want to thank you for donating Pepper tome. That was very generous of you ;).

Secondly, I am glad that you like my site and our wedding picture aswell. It is a very funny thing about our picture.There is a business district about 10 minutes away from ourchurch. Across the street from that waterfall, is a majorInterstate and above is about 15 different office complexes and acrossthe street, before the highway is a trucking company and shippingyard. It is a total businessdistrict, but you wouldnever know from the picture.

The rules of ths site state that we are not allowed to advertise ourown websites here so I will just simply say thank you for checking itout and I am glad you liked it. You and I think alike.

God Bless

Hi! I think I must of missed something here about Pepper youwere thanking me for donating him to you.It must be a joke of yours.:D
kinda....I got a job at Target working nights.The hours are not so bad ,but the work sucks. I have to decide if iwant to go to school this semester also. The job i have is kinda suckybut I can still go to school doing it, while another job that pays moreI might not. I only have like 15 units or so left for my AA...So I'mkinda feeling stuck..:(

School starts in like 3 weeks. The class I need is already full so Iwill have to go see if I can add it I suppose. I hate chemistry.:mad:
I would definately stick to the job at Targeteven if you hate it, especially if it allows you to go toschool. I found that school was a lot more important that Ithought it was. I have a good job and all but if I got mybachelor's it would be a lot better. Hang in there, thingswill click soon!

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