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Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (both the animated and the Jim Carrey versions)

A Charlie Brown Christmas

The Year Without a Santa Claus

A Christmas Story

The Santa Clause 1 & 2

.....and especially theold B&W ones......

A Christmas Carol (with Alastair Sim)

It's A Wonderful Life

White Christmas

Miracle on 34th Street (with Natalie Wood)

March of the Wooden Soldiers

Our whole family LOVES that movie and we watch it anytime of the year.This year we needed to cut down our expenses for holiday shopping so webought everyone in the family a copy of Elf :D The Target guy checkingus out was laughing at how many copies we bought hehehe!!!!

If we're doing songs too, my husband and I both love the "Baby it's cold" song, we were so excited when they sang it in Elf.
Meganc731 wrote:
If we're doing songs too, my husband and I both love the "Babyit's cold" song, we were so excited when they sang it in Elf.

* * * * * *

I love the way the girl in Elf sings that song! She's got an amazingvoice. I hope to God she comes out with an album. Her voice is socrystal clear. She doesn't need instruments.

* * * * * * *

My Favorite Christmas Album/CD, is:



"Uaahhallll ba habba aaabbba Bbbbbbluuuuee Chhhristmas wwithout youuuuuuu..."

"....I don't need alotta prrressents to makea my Chrrristmas Bright.AhhhIII justa needa mah baby's arrms awrapped arounnnda me tight...soSanta....Hear My Plea! Ah Santa Bringa Mah Baby Backa to Me!"

Love the backup singers too. :)

Carolyn, I just watched ELF again the other night.
You are right she can really sing.What a beautiful voice!
I could listen to her all night!

I love all the Christmas movies and try to watch them all.
So many good childhood memories and memories from my children go along with these older movies!

I even watched the Charlie Brown Christmas tonight and could justpicture my three kids sitting in front of theTV watching it when theywere little.
Oh Boy.....memories. Where does the time go!
dyky71 wrote:
Carolyn, I just watched ELF again the other night.
You are right she can really sing.What a beautiful voice!
I could listen to her all night!

Oh Boy.....memories. Where does the time go!

It's too bad she only sings that song and Santa Claus in Comin to Town.

Do you remember watching March of the Wooden Soldiers aka: Babes inToyland? Remember the Boogie Men? They scared me as much as the WickedWitch from the Wizard of Oz.

Tom Tom, Little Bo Peep, and :growl: Barnaby? I can still hear the music when Barnaby came on. He was a Real Creep! :X

Nicky Snow wrote:
my favourite is "The Last Unicorn" not a Christmas movie,but only came on tv at Christmas.
OMG ! that is seriously my favorite movieEVER !! I think my parents wanted to burn that video tape when Iwas little ... I watched it everyday ! lol

Back on track to X-mas Movies..

Love ALL of the clay-mation movies .. absolutely no substitute for them

The Jim Carrey version of the Grinch was awesome

National Lampoon is hysterical

Home Alone 1 I think is a staple of my generation
All the old claymation and cartoons, but especially Rudolph.
The Muppets Christmas Carol
And it's not fall/Christmas season without watching the Nightmare Before Christmas at least once!

As for music: Anything by Transiberian Orchestra (saw them inconcert last year- they're awesome!), the Muppets and John DenverChristmas cd, Muppets Christmas Carol, and a whole bunch of goofyChristmas song collections.

Gonzo: So bring us some figgy pudding...
Ms. Piggy: PIGGY PUDDING!:mad:
Gonzo: No, no, FIGGY pudding. It has figs. And bacon.
Patrick Stewart = Christmas Carol. I just lovethe new christmas carol. I missed Charlie Brown. :(. I just misswatching all the christmas shows except for Christmas Story. I haveseen that a million to thousand of times. Your gonna shoot your eyeout. lol
Saffy wrote:
Ahhyes ... "It's A Wonderful Life" always always... oh and "WhiteChristmas" :D

I love "White Christmas."We taped it when it was on TVseveral years ago and have watched it so much that the tape isbreakingdown! I'm hoping to get it on DVDforChristmas this year, because I don't thinkthetape will last much longer.Bing Crosby has one of the mostamazing voices I have ever heard.

Another one of my favorites is "Undercover Christmas." It was on TVabout 3 years ago so not many people have heard of it. Definitely oneof my favorites to watch this time of year.

naturestee wrote:
Gonzo: So bring us some figgy pudding...
Ms. Piggy: PIGGY PUDDING!:mad:
Gonzo: No, no, FIGGY pudding. It has figs. And bacon.
Gosh I love Muppets! Have you seen Muppet family Christmas? When MissPiggy is posing for the photo shoot I laughso hard every time.

Glad you like it, Carolyn.

You have to watch it all the way through. It looks like they are singing along to the words of the song.


SweetPeasMommie wrote:
Patrick Stewart = Christmas Carol.
A few years ago Patrick Stewart did a one man show of A Christmas Carolhere in the city. I so wish I would have seen it!

My faves:

It's a Wonderful Life

Miracle on 34th Street (the original version)

A Christmas Story

The Santa Claus

Christmas Vacation


A Charlie Brown Christmas

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Frosty the Snowman

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Family Guy Christmas episode

I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now.

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