Oreo Cookies

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nose_twitch wrote:
STOP IT!! ALL OF YOU!!! I'm on bloody WeightWatchers! I don't even want to know how many points Oreoshave!!:mad:
Weight watchers has the best icecream sandwich cookies. they arechocolate cookies and chocolate icecream...I can't remember the points,maybe 2. Just incase you have the urge. (wink)
Hey, I used smiley central to get thelittle pictures. if you go to their website you can get the icon toappear when you post and in your email etc. I haven't had any problemsbut some people worry that they might mess up the computerby...er...doing something to it..... (am clearly technicalgoddess)/images/emoticons/confused.gifKadishTolesa wrote:
Alfie and Angel, where did you get the foodfont/pictures ???? My computer doesn't have those fonts, Ithink. :? Very neat pic.'s :D

Thanks, alfie and angel, I'll look it up !

BTW, your lionhead lookslike a very small, cute pony :)!!

I always think thatthere's a rabbit for everyone....I have a holland lop who's more like adog--pants and flops down when she's resting, she even smells like adog (wet one ). Sorry, I got back to buns again.

Kadish Tolesa :D

p.s. I never did get myOreos yet, hubby was at the gas station and called me .....he didn'twant to pay 4.85 for one pacage. :(:X:(:X:(:(:( anothertime......
Funnny you should say that, I just heardthis rustling noise and looked around to see her helping herself todandelions from the plastc bag they're kept in -she looked for all theworld like a mini-pony with a nose bag! Good thing I turned around whenI did - just in time to see her back legs disappear inside...naughtybunny/images/emoticons/mad.gifAwww, yourholland lop 'dog-bunny' sounds sooo cuteKadishTolesa wrote:
BTW, your lionheadlooks like a very small, cute pony :)!!

Yup coconut here si one the ingredients on the normal thing.

Sorry but just a comment with the lionhead.. my lionheads face hasgrown like a horses head too!Mind wouldlook kind ofgoofy if she didn't have her mane:D. Oh well I love her to bitsanyways:)!
oh my, if alfie didn't have her mane she'd bethe weirdest looking rabbit - but she's pretty weird looking anyway.She doesn't so much have a mane as a mop. She's like cousin IT from theAddams family, except with ears instead of specs
My husband and i had a choc. fountain at ourwedding. We had strawberries, pretzels, marshmello's,graham crackersand oreos to dip in the choc. The oreos were the best. I highlyrecommend it.

peapoo_bunny wrote:
JimD wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
knowwhat's better than oreos??????:ponder:


Fudge Chocolate Covered Oreos
are those the ones w/ the fudge inside? those are good!

the christmas and halloween ones are good too.
our new pet.. he's an oreo cow..errr bull :D



Oh he is so cute! He does look like an oreo!! :D I love calfs, they're so sweet. My unlce has a dairy farm and when I go in the calf barn and try to pet them the suck on my hands.. lol so cute.
Wow peapoo_bunny! Your pets are ever growing! :DI have always wanted a little calf. They look so cute! And just thinking that theywill be made into meat just hurts:( The cute little things. I want to buy loadz of calfs and keep them free! Dont know where im going to put them yet though... but im working on it ;)

OMG ifI take a year out to america, I can have Oreo's all the time! :DYAY!
Ok not the topic to hit when you're on a diet!!! But hey I'll add...mint oreos, peanut butter oreos, peanut butter double stuff oreos...MMMMM...ok back to my slip fast cappucino flavored over lots of ice. Makes me kinda think I'm having my iced cappucino from dunkin donuts.....ok so i'm using my imagination, but it's not half bad.