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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas-ish, Texas, USA
Merin and Nessa are due on Saturday! I am not thinking that the breeding was successful but I am going to put the nest boxes in anyways just incase. I tried to palpitate. But I didn't feel anything. Well anyways I just wanted to let everyone know and let any one who wanted to put in some last minute info to do so! I promise when/if the babies are born I'll take lots of pictures!

Yay! I can't wait. So what are you going to do with the babies? Are you going to sell them for show, etc.?

You could probably put the nestboxes in either tomorrowor on Thursday. If you put them in too soon, they may use them as a litter box or bed for themselves. :) I usually put mine in at least 4 to 3 days before they're due.

I plan to keep the best ones and put them in shows for 4-H and also I am going to join ARBA. The others I will find good homes for. Their is some one in my 4-H group that might want to start raising rabbits so I might give her one! I am putting in the nest boxes in tommorow. Lets hope for the best.

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
What kind of animals do other kids in your 4-H group show?


Our club doesn't do much animal stuff but there is one other person doing sheep and hopefully soon another person doing rabbits too! I have a question... If they don't give birth how soon should I take the nestbox out? I know that sometime the babies can be born late so I don't want to take it out to soon.

Well neither of them have made a nest or pulled any hair so I am doubting hte chance of babies...:(I don't have school next friday so I can re breed them then. Who knows maybe I'lll have a suprise in the morning of baby bunnies but I still doubt it. Could it be since it is thier first time they don't know tot make a nest. I put hay in the nestbox but they just ate it....

Today is just Friday. If they're due dates are tomorrow, then they're most likely going to have them tomorrow ;) Hence the reason of that being their 'due date' ;)

Don't take the nestbox out until at least Wednesday if they haven't had kits yet. Also, I wouldn't rebreed them next Friday, maybe the next week sometime, but give them some time, just in case ;)

Prayers for a safe delivery and an next box full of cute kits in the morning!! I can't wait to see pics!
No baby bunnies yet.... :(If Friday too early to rebreed? I am still hopeful for babie though maybe they are just a little late....

Then try rebreeding them on Friday. To increase the chance, you can breed, than put them back together i think its like eight hours later so that way it increases the chance of the doe getting pregnant.

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