Thank you all so much for your kind words. Today has been really horrible - I go for a few minutes when I'm OK, then I break up again. I can't believe she's gone!
Our first visit to the vet yesterday,(yes, Fuzzy, that was us - sorry I didn't get to meet you) I mentioned about the penicillin injections, and was one a week enough. The vet said that Pernod was so ill, that they would give one every other day ( she showed me how to do it at home). She also gave Metacam for pain. She put an orange dye in Pernod's eye, which turned green showing an ulcer on her eye, so we were given different eye drops and cream to put on every few hours. She said that Pernod really needed to eat (she hadn't eaten since the night before), but because her face was so sore and swollen that syringing was going to be really hard. Pernod's lip on her left (swollen side), was black with bruising from the infection.
Stan came to see us at the vet, and as Pernod was getting sub q fluids and they were preaparing her treatment, we went for a coffee. Poor Stan, I must have talked his ears off, I was so nervous, but Thank God for him :hug:.
When I picked Pernod up, she was biting her tail. The vet couldn't see anything,nor could I when I got her home. I tried her with her favourite treats including strawberry, oats and others all mashedup, but she wouldn't take it, nor would she take any water. Instead, she pee'd on the floor in different places, something she has NEVER done. Then she tried to hide behind the toilet, and she never goes into the bathroom.
I popped out to the shops, and when I came back, she had nearly chewed her tail off - it was through to the bone, no fur on it and bleeding. She was resting her head on the water bowl and whimpering. Then her sides started convulsing. I can't tell you how panicked I was. I rang the vet straight back, and even though they were closing, she said she'd wait for us. John came home and we went together.
She was so bad when we got there. Her sides were convulsing more, she was still whimpering and still trying to bite her tail. Her other eye had also started to swell, and I knew in my heart that the fiesty little girl I loved so much was no longer there. It was the hardest thing to do, but I couldn't put her through any more. John and I were both with her, and told her how much we loved her, and how everyone here was thinking of her, then we let her go to The Bridge to be with Perry and Buck.
I already miss her more than words can say. I have a huge hole in my heart and the pain is consuming me. I want to scream and yell, I want to hold her and bury my face in her fur. She (and Shadow) have been a lifeline to me since we got to Canada, and i don't know how I'm going to cope without her. I will write a tribute to her in the rainbow bridge post, when i feel more up to it - at the moment I don't think I could do her justice.
Sorry for rambling so much.
I miss you Pernie Poo. Thank you for 5 1/2 wonderful years. Go Binky with Perry and Fudge. I love you all.
ps - I noticed that people here always called her Per nod, and pronounce the 'd'. It is actually Perno (silent 'd'), and is an alcholic drink - an aniseed spirit like Ouzo - but they don't have it in Canada (and perhaps not in the States either). It was an appropriate name, as it's strong stuff and packs a punch!