One entire water bottle emptied over night

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I tend to believe the authors of books on pet rabbits, which say that water bottles should be refilled daily & cleaned twice a week. But the animals belong to you to treat as you wish.
More power to you if you have the time to clean bottles twice a week and change water daily. Those who have 1-2 rabbits have the time to do it. Water won't go stale on day 2, nor will algae start growing on day 3 or 4. A once a week cleaning works fine. Bowls need to be cleaned once a week, too.
majorv wrote:
More power to you if you have the time to clean bottles twice a week and change water daily. Those who have 1-2 rabbits have the time to do it. Water won't go stale on day 2, nor will algae start growing on day 3 or 4. A once a week cleaning works fine. Bowls need to be cleaned once a week, too.

Yup. Im all for that. Between my many rats and the bunnies if I cleaned out twice a week and gave them new water every day I wouldn't have time to do anything else before or after work. I've never had an animal that has a problem with having the bottle filled as needed and not every day. If I were to do that than I probably wouldn't enjoy my animals. I didn't get them to be constantly cleaning them or doing stuff for them. I got them for companionship and love so when they get cleaned out once a week I clean the water bottle and refil it as neasacary.

There's no point in making it hard for yourself when you want to enjoy something. I like to think i follow the K.I.S.S rule (keep it simple stupid).
People shouldn't have pets they can't take care of properly, especially not brag about it.

And just because you can't see the algae doesn't mean it isn't there. It grows at a steady rate. It's amazing what some people don't know.
LakeCondo wrote:
People shouldn't have pets they can't take care of properly, especially not brag about it.

I do look after my pets. I'm just not anal retentive about it. Just because some people won't clean a cage and change a water bottle every day does not mean they don't look after their pets. It means we also have other things to do with our lives, like live them. My rabbits have a huge pen that they're free to run around 24/7 plus time to run the house at night, my rats have huge cages that gives them plenty of room to move plus free range time in the morning for a few hours and my cats have run if our house plus an outside enclosure they can access 24/7. Everyone gets plenty of attention, dinner every night prepared fresh and cuddles every evening but obviously if someone can't clean a cage every day and change water it means they shouldn't own a pet.

Some of the house bunny owners sure live up to their rep.
LakeCondo wrote:
People shouldn't have pets they can't take care of properly, especially not brag about it.

And just because you can't see the algae doesn't mean it isn't there. It grows at a steady rate. It's amazing what some people don't know.
How is not cleaning out a water bottle twice weekly constitute as "people shouldn't have pets they can't take of properly?"

You do realize that water will not go stale in two days nor will algae set in within a week. Before you actually point fingers at someone lets educate you on the growth of algae. Algae needs sunlight to grow as most plants do, so unless your rabbits pen is in direct sunlight with the water bottle sitting directly in it then algae WILL NOT grow in a weeks time frame.

I can see washing out a water bottle ONCE a week and giving fresh water daily, heck I do it for my dogs, difference is dog and cat saliva gets mixed in with water causing slime growth where as with a water bottle your small pets saliva does not mix with the water. If you give your rabbit a bowl to drink out of you better believe that has more bacteria in it then a water bottle.

You also should know that even a small amount of algae will have no effect on your rabbit. Unless your water is already contaminated with debris then algae growth is harmless.

Its amazing how people can jump to conclusions and call someone out on NOTHING. Kind of harsh don't you think? If you buy bottled water how long do you think it was sitting on that shelf before you bought it? How long do you think it was sitting in that bottle before it was even shipped to the store for you to purchase? Look up your facts because your statement did not help you any.