one ear up and one ear down

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Hey my bunny Fay dose that too she is a hollandlop but thumper my minilop dosent lol(unless she heaes something)I usedto have a real good pic of it but my brother crashed our computer 4days ago and havent got around to take anthore one.This is the best onei got
Flopsy is about 14 wks (if what the pet store said was accurate, when I got her).

She isn't a lop (as far as I know)- she is supposed to be a Neth.Dwarf- but, who knows. I don't have any photos topost, unfortunately.However, her earslook just like the picture of RaspberrySwirls bunny with the one up andone down (btw, that bunny is adorable).

She certainly looks pretty silly...:) She is too cute.

