Lol yay for your fiance! I'm thinking of crocheting Cosmo a bed, and some socks for me lol. I have all this yarn laying around and nothing to do with it.
Only thing I'm making atm is a giant granny square/stash buster.
He crochets, cross stitches, makes chainmail, and there was something else that I can't think of off of the top of my melon. He also makes playing card "proxies"
I sew, crochet, bake, chainmail, paint, and make rough sculptures from modeling clay.
Those look TOASTY!!! I hand sew all of the bunnies, my sewing machine is still at my dad's, I simply don't the room for it. It's one of those 1950 cabinet machines.
I ALMOST had a brother tabletop machine for free. Someone posted it in the craigslist free section, and when I emailed about it, it had already been picked up -.- I was so p*ssed.
I tried hand sewing before when I tried to make a fifi lapin doll, but I don't know how to anchor the first stitch lol.
Yay crochet! Lol. I learned in junior high and picked it up again in college. Every person I've known (except for a former boss) since then who has had a baby has received a blanket or something crocheted. I have a few projects I'm working on right now. Making hooded blankets with bear ears for my sister-in-law's twins due in February and an 8 bit Yoshi blanket. Also have a huge king size cross blanket that was started in '05 and is currently waiting on more yarn and other projects to be finished.
Done! I'll start on it as soon as I finish this purse (which by the way is hurting my hands. 5 strands of yarn and a K hook, 21 sc across for 25 rows).