OMG! OMG! She had babies!!!!

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Well, congratulations on your new babies! Sounds like you have it all covered very well. DO keep Mr. Shredder away from your girl. She can get pregnant again TODAY! (And we don't need another litter in 31 days!)

I would suggest putting the babies in a nestbox. Keeps the babies from wandering off and missing a meal. The momma won't go looking for them to feed. She also won't move them back to their nest if they crawl off. (Rabbit moms are not like dog and cat moms). The cloth under them may become a problem is if gets wet. Shavings and hay stay drier and keep them up off the ground.
BlueGiants: In birdlover's other thread she/he states that Mr Shredder is fixed.

Not quite sure how long ago that was but Mr Shredder is fixed as it says in the other thread.
gulp! :nerves1 Only 3 weeks ago! Oh my gosh. You think? Well, as Scarlet O'Hara said, "I'll worry about that tomorrow." Right now I'm concerned about these little ones making it.

So they are all settled into a nest box with sides and mom didn't seem very concerned when I took them out to look at. She has 3 black ones (dad was black) and one brown one like her. She looks like the rabbit in the picture above on the far left...sort of like a siamese cat but her mask isn't that pronounced. Would she be considered a cinnamon? The kits were very chubby, rollie pollie but I'm not sure if they were born that way or they ate. I'll check them first thing in the morning and see if they've swallowed any ping pong balls. :biggrin2:

Now for my next important question. What if it looks like they aren't eating? I know there have been cases where they've had to be hand fed but, oh Lord, I pray that doesn't happen to me!! But, still, I need to know. Could somebody explain how that's done for me? Thank you soooo much for all your good wishes and expert advice!

Oh, and my husband doesn't think the pictures are good enough to post. He's such a perfectionist!!! I'll work on him!
There was another thread were the person held the momma and let the babies eat. I wouldn't worry. Sounds like their eating. If you have to hand feed( formula)them they probably wouldn't do very well. I would just check them, like your doing. :)
If they look "rolly-polly" they probably got fed already. As you said, check them again in the morning. If they are not being fed, their skin will look wrinkled and shriveled up, especially over the shoulders and hips.

If she doesn't feed them, you can try to bottle raise them. There are several milk replacement formula's available, none of them are perfect for rabbits. Let's just hope she does what she is supposed to do... and all her maternal instincts kick in.

Edited to add: Rabbit mothers are not like Kitty moms... they will not watch the litter, making sure they stay together, covering them up, laying still for 20 minutes to nurse... she hops in, stands over them for 3-5 minutes and they either eat, or they don't... I read a survey once that rated Rabbit Moms as the lowest in maternal instinct in the animal world... LOL! Just our luck!
This is NOT what I need two weeks before my daughter's wedding!! I took a couple of babies out this evening and held them up to her (after washing my hands). She sniffed them, seemed somewhat interested and then I put them back. I rubbed them against her fur before putting them back. I don't know if that helped make her maternal instincts kick in or not but I'm going to try to get a good night's sleep and let God be in control. Good night and thanks!!! REALLY!
I have a feeling she will be fine with them. It can take 12-24 hours for her milk to come in. Have patience and a little faith in Mother Nature. (We have a tendency to focus on the things that can go wrong... but most of the time, everything goes right...)

Please let us know how they are doing in the morning. And best of luck with your daughters wedding!
Good morning!

The babies were all alive and kickin' (my grandmother's expression) when I checked just now. Didn't see ping pong bellies though. However, when I returned a few minutes later, she was in the box with them!!! What a lift that gave to my spirits!!! Blue Giants, I need you to be with me the day of my daughter's wedding to keep me calm. You are so good! Thanks!
I'm so glad to hear she is looking after them. If momma has hopped out, you can check them again and see if they fed... They should have swollen little bellies... but be careful, if they just ate, they may pee on you! LOL!

Your daughters wedding should be a most peaceful and joyful time. Will send long distance zen vibes your way. I'm sure it's going to be beautiful, no matter what... I wish your daughter peace and love... may she be truly happy and content. :pray:
I hope you don't mind if I'm milking this thread to death but I keep thinking of more questions. I just now read your last post. So...the NEXT time I see her in the box, I should check the babies right after see if they're full? I've been out all day and just checked them and a couple seem fat around the middle but a couple do not! Is this a cause for concern? Someone on here told me about a person that held the mother so the babies could nurse. Is this very easy?

And my other questions are: Should I bring Annabel out of the crate to get some exercise? She acts like she wants to come out when I open the door. Or should I make her stay in there for X number of days?

Also, is it okay if I handle the babies...I mean, like hold them and cuddle them a few times a day if mom doesn't mind? I'd like for them not to be afraid of humans and to be friendly.

Thanks AGAIN and thanks for the good vibes. I can't believe it's only 14 more days!!!
birdlover wrote:
I hope you don't mind if I'm milking this thread to death but I keep thinking of more questions. I just now read your last post. So...the NEXT time I see her in the box, I should check the babies right after see if they're full? I've been out all day and just checked them and a couple seem fat around the middle but a couple do not! Is this a cause for concern? Someone on here told me about a person that held the mother so the babies could nurse. Is this very easy?

And my other questions are: Should I bring Annabel out of the crate to get some exercise? She acts like she wants to come out when I open the door. Or should I make her stay in there for X number of days?

Also, is it okay if I handle the babies...I mean, like hold them and cuddle them a few times a day if mom doesn't mind? I'd like for them not to be afraid of humans and to be friendly.

Thanks AGAIN and thanks for the good vibes. I can't believe it's only 14 more days!!!

It's your thread... you can ask whatever you want...!

If you are not sure they are all getting fed, by all means check on them a couple times a day. If after a couple of feedings it looks like some are not getting their fair share, you can take out the ones that look plump, gather the ones that look like they can use a little "extra" towards the front of the nestbox, and put Anabel in the nestbox OVER the babies. Gently hold her there for 3-4 minutes. Stroke her, pet her, tell her she is a wonderful mom... reward her with a treat afterwards. Keeping calm and quiet will keep her calmer and more likely to "drop" her milk for them. Put all the babies back and push them all to the back of the nest. Then wait and see if everyone catches up.

If Anabel wants to get some exercise, she can come out during the day for a run. She will only feed early in the morning and again at night. It's in their instinct to move away from the nest during the day to prevent attracting the attention of predators to the babies.

You can handle the babies... as long as Anabel doesn't look upset over it. It sounds like she is handling it just fine though. Be prepared to get peed on! LOL! They will be a lot more fun in 10 days after their eyes open!
birdlover wrote:
Also, is it okay if I handle the babies...I mean, like hold them and cuddle them a few times a day if mom doesn't mind? I'd like for them not to be afraid of humans and to be friendly.
Handling those little cuties is the best part!! We try to get ours out twice a day to check on them, and to pet them and kiss them.... now that our 2 litters are 4 and 6 weeks old, the kits look forward to it as much as we do! As soon as we come in, they all run up to the front, "pet me! pet me! pet ME!!"
Aww, I hope I'm that lucky!! Last night I held Annabel and let two rabbits nurse (one at a time while I held them). I could hear them making little sucking noises. It was so cute. Then she got antsy and wanted down but I was sure the one I was most concerned about ate well and, this morning, they ALL have fat tummies so I am thrilled and feeling more relieved. I looked at pics of baby bunnies on the internet and I can't wait until they reach day 10. Let the fun begin!!! :bunnydance:
Congratz on your litter - sounds like you and momma have things well in hand.
Pics would be lovely.
I'm TRYING to have confidence in my instincts. Tonight, at midnight, I checked the little ones and none of them had a full belly so I held her so they could each take turns nursing. NOW I'M WORRIED SHE DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH MILK because each bunny kept going from nipple to nipple and acted like they were starving. I let each one have about 3 minutes nursing. She was sooo sweet to just lay in my arms while they did their thing. They looked a little fuller when I put them back but I don't know. It may have been wishful thinking. Do I need to back off? I was afraid they would starve overnight!! :(
Don't worry! That is how baby bunnies feed. They suckle on one nipple for a little bit, then root around and suckle on another. They do look pretty frantic, but it is normal.

Also, the additional suckling will help to stimulate her milk production. If you think she might be a bit short, then let the smaller kits suckle twice a day (morning and night) for 5 minutes or so. They will get a bit of extra milk, and mom will start producing more milk soon.

It's still early as well. Mom is probably transitioning from colostrum to milk. Colostrum is a thinner but highly nutritious substance that the babies only need a little bit of. Her milk will start to come in more over the next couple of days and the babies will start to drink more. By about week two, she should be at maximum milk production.

As long as the babies look like they got a little bit of something during the feeding, they should be okay. Even just a tiny bit extra can help them have more energy to nurse more aggressively when mom feeds on her own.

Some does won't "drop" their milk while laying on their back.
She might do better if you let her sit on the floor and just put the babies under her. You can use the nest box too.

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