omg! I am furious!

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I agree that an emergency spay would be less costly than dealing with babies. And remember that if she has the babies, you will then have to deal with finding homes for them.

Your aunt should definitely take care of at LEAST 1/2 the cost of the spay as her bunny is the buck involved AND it was her decision to put them together.

Talk to your vet's office about maybe paying in installments. If you explain your situation and the fact that you want to avoid an unwanted litter, he/she may be very willing to work with your financial situation.

Wishing you well whatever you decide!
~Mary Ellen
Any news about your bunny? I don't think you should spay her until after her babies. Have your aunt pay for dealing with the babies. I couldn't stant to let those babies not have a chance at life. It is not there fault they were an acciedent...
Do what you think is best for your bunny, and for your situation.

Savannah, who was at the time my only unfixed female rabbit accidentally mated with my foster, the only unfixed male in the house. My boyfriend and I did talk about having an emergency spay, but the reason she was not spayed earlier was because she was dealing with stomach issues and the vet did not feel like it was worth the risk.

So I had to decide between an emergency spay and potentially risking my girl, or a litter of babies. I choose to have the babies, and quite honestly - they've brought such joy to my life that I can't think of being without them. I got Savannah spayed two weeks ago, and I have already booked the baby bunnies' spay and neuter appointment. It is a lot more expensive, but you also have the option of giving the babies away to good homes when they're old enough.

I'm also an adoption counselor for my rabbit rescue. When pregnant rabbits arrive, we unfortunately do give them emergency spays. It always makes me sad, but I understand there's just no room for them.

I deal with both scenarios, but as I've said - do what's best for your bunny and you!
Hayley411 wrote:
Yeah, I am not going to spay her before the babies are born. I am just getting prepared for the babieswhenever they do come.


Well we are all here to help you.

I have to be honest. I myself could never have an emergency spay done.
JadeIcing wrote:
Hayley411 wrote:
Yeah, I am not going to spay her before the babies are born. I am just getting prepared for the babieswhenever they do come.


Well we are all here to help you.

I have to be honest. I myself could never have an emergency spay done.
i'm sure if i could either. it would depend on the $$$ situation, really. i'm behind you for keeping them and i'd have been behind you if you did a spay. how's she doing? gaining any weight?
Sherbert doesn't really seem to be gaining weight or eating more than normal but who knows. She has definatly had a horrible attitude the last few days, she grunts and lunges at me when I go near her cage. Plus she is being very destructive, she has never been much of a chewer but she is chewing up the linoleum (sp?) in her cage and constantly flipping her hay box and Igloo over. Today she even pulled the grate off her litterbox and dug through it getting soiled litter and poo everywhere. Is this all normal? She has never done any of this before. I do really hope she gets over this little destructive phase soon, cleaning the cage 8-10 times a day is getting really irritating.

Some does that are bred will be very moody, others will not. I can tell if a few of my does are bred as littleas one day after they are bred. They definately get a different attitude. Some that are sweethearts get moody and vocal and some that are on the cranky side settle right down and are loving. It all depends on the doe.

Most of mydoes don't physically show that they are pregnant until the last few days unless they have a very large litter.

Yikes! Like said before, I would spay her and send the bill to your Aunt. Maybe next time you can take your rabbits on vacation. :?
I am glad to hear tht you are not going to e spay her. I hope that she has an easy pregnancy and that all her babies get good homes!:hearts::bestwishes:
Yeah, I am getting kind of excited to see the babies. Althought I am not liking Sherberts attitude right now, she has been moved out of her nic cage in my bedroom into a wire cage in the bathroom. She is being so destructive (ripping up her linoleum, chewing up her Igloo, haybox, and litterbox)and is being soonoisy all night long that Ican't get any sleep. So banished to the bathroom she is. Hopefully this gets better...and Fast!

If she is pregnant, she could be dueearly next week. (If they were put together July 6... she could be duemost likely aroundAugust 6th...or any day thereafter.). I'd start getting a nestbox together and keep an eye on her.

Her hormones are a little "off" right now... have patience. The bathroom is a good place if she is being a noisy little bugger.
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
HA HA HA i have to defend her lil attitude if she is pregnant, i am like that too!!!!!!!! lol
Yeah, I'm not pregnant right now, but my youngest is only five months old, so well do I remember the mood swings! LOL Don't worry, another week or so and she will settle down once the babies come.
Aww! I know how you feel! That's why my gerbils live in the laundry room ;) (although they aren't pregnant, lol) I can't wait to see the babies, if she's going to have any!! Keep us posted, and good luck!! :D
okay, today I palped her and felt something that felt like marbles. So if I was doing it right she is definatly pregnant, though suprisingly they didn't seemvery big. At least not big enough to be coming out in a week. I don't know....hmmm. I've been keeping an eye out for her carrying hay around in her mouth so that I can put the nest box in with her. Really I could put it in there right now because she will not wee in it, at least she doesn't in her hay box. Should I put the box in there with her just to be safe?

Cecal pellets can feel the same way...but honestly, she could have gotten pregnant at any point during the two weeks you were away. So there is a two week window within whichshe could kindle.

The earliest she could deliver would be the 5th or 6th... so I'd just have everything ready. Put the nestbox in on Monday (the 4th) and as you said, just make sure she isn't weeing in it. It can stay in as long as it doesn't bother her and she is keeping it clean.

I don't think sherbert is pregnant! Although of course I could be wrong, but she is not nesting or anything plus her attitude is back to normal.Cross your fingers and hope for the best.


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